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社评 1130 我们打开在美两岸华人领䄂共商和平共存之先河

社评 1130  我们打开在美两岸华人领䄂共商和平共存之先河



週一晚上在美南电视摄影棚举办的台湾情势和美中台未来关係之座谈会 引起了全球华人社区之高度关注 许多来自美洲世界各地及海峡两岸之华人都给予高度评价 我们感到无比之兴奋 相信是打开两岸同胞在美国共同探讨和平共存之先河

新冠疫情横扫世界及乌克兰之战争可谓改变了世界面貌和格局 今天在大陆各地对於政府实施清零政策带来之不满 我们相信中国政府必将会採取有效及宽鬆方式做出符合民意之政策 乌克兰战争对人民流离失所造成之悲剧 更是歷歷在目

今天我们面对的是两岸关係破裂 台湾成為世界最危险之地区 稍有不慎 就是兵戎相见 也是乌克兰悲剧之重演

我们今天数从百万计之华裔美人必须高度觉查世界局势之危险性 我们必须动员在美国之力量 力劝当政局必须重视我们两岸人民追求和平之强烈意愿 并建议当权者不可妄动 上演乌克兰之悲剧

我们在此也希望北京和台北当局 应该高度重视旅美侨学各界领袖之意见 决不可毁尽两岸人民数十年来共建之民族事业

Chinese-Americans Want Peaceful Coexistence

The symposium on the “Situation In Taiwan And The Future Relationship Between The United States, China and Taiwan” held at our TV studio Monday night attracted very high attention from the Chinese community around the world. Many Chinese in the U.S. and both sides of the strait gave high praise for it. We are extremely excited. I believe it has opened up the door for us to discuss the future of Chinese people around the world.

In the last three years the world has been swept up by Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. Today in parts of China, the people are dissatisfied with the government’s zero-Covid policy. We believe that the Chinese government will advance an effective and relaxed approach to bring the unpopular policy in line with public demand.

Today we are forcing a showdown of the cross-strait relations and Taiwan has become one of the most dangerous regions in the world. We don’t want Taiwan to become another Ukraine.

We have millions of Chinese Americans who live in this country. We must keep highly informed and stay keenly aware of the dangers in today’s world situation.

We also hope that the authorities in Beijing and Taipei will listen to the opinions from the overseas Chinese, especially those in the United States. If the final solution is war, we will have no winner at all.