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由海外中国国民党联盟主办之「九合一选举结果对两岸及中美台关係的影响」视讯会议将在美西时间明天星期六下午五时举行,届时将由名政治评论员李明衡主持 并邀请台北学者专家花莉娜理事长 张麟徵教授 张竞博士 雷倩主委参座谈并和海内外华人连线沟通

今天我也非常荣幸应邀参加盛会 并向所有关心两岸关係的学者专家们表示欢迎和敬意

数十年来 我们在美国这块土地上可以说是落叶生根 数以万计的两岸华人子弟贡献了他们的青春并且获得在各行各业之巨大成就并且成為了美国社会百分之一的精英份子 议员 内阁部长 医生 律师 大学教授 开发商 但是我们还是非常关心自己的故土和家乡 正如前交通部长赵小兰经常提醒我们要以华裔美人為荣

就在上週一我们在德州休斯敦美南新闻集团电视摄影棚主持了一塲座谈会 有来自海峡两岸之华裔领䄂共同探讨中美台未来之情势发展。

我们共同之结论是两岸必须和平共存 决不希望可用武力来解决面临之困境 并寄望下届台湾领导人能重修和大陆之关係重啟两岸谈判之大门 重回两岸和平官方民间交流之道路 老实说 今天美国仍然是世界第一强国 他也在不断主导台海局势 换言之 佔在华裔美人之立塲我们有义务和权利来表达对台海和平之高度关切 也希望透过大家与美国政界关係 进行游说和沟通

今天我们非常高兴和四位政治领袖和社会活动家共聚一堂 透过今天的视频会议来聆听各位之高见 希望大家心连心 為两峡两岸的和平找出一条可行之路

世界局势日趋复杂 中国大陆近日来因清零政策而引起之群眾不满乌克兰战争未能解决 中美两大国在全世界之竞争激烈 无论如何一定不能譲乌克兰悲剧之重演

我们今后一定会尽力加强和两岸旅居美国地区的各界人士之交流 并希望大家透过和美国主流及媒体来强力表达我们的看法 再度祝贺今天之硏讨会圆满成功

The Taiwan Cross-Strait Relations Need Peace

The Overseas Chinese KMT Alliance will hold a zoom meeting tomorrow and talk about the future of the Taiwan Strait.

I am very honored to be part of the seminar and to be invited and welcomed by all the scholars from Taipei who will join in this zoom meeting.

For many decades, thousands of Chinese students came to the United States to put their roots in this land. Their many great achievements from all walks of life helped make them become elites in this country. They became a cabinet secretary, a professor, lawyers, developers and members of Congress. But most of them still were thinking about their hometowns. As Secretary Elaine Chao said, "We should be very proud of our heritage."

Just last Monday we hosted a symposium at our TV studio. We invited leaders from both sides, China and Taiwan, to sit down at the same table and discuss the future of China, Taiwan and the United States. Our common conclusion was that we must coexist peacefully. We hope the next leader of Taiwan, as the KMT comes back into power, will work hard to improve the relationship between Taiwan and China.

Today the world situation is becoming more and more complicated. We need to remind our political leaders and congressmen that we don’t want the Ukraine tragedy to be repeated again in Taiwan.

In the future, we as Chinese- Americans should try to strengthen our communication with people from all walks of life and express our shared concerns about the Taiwan Strait crisis.