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社评1207 休斯敦市长选举开跑

社评1207  休斯敦市长选举开跑


曾经担任德州参议员的资深政治家约翰.惠迈上週在休斯敦最豪华的布斯奥大酒店正式宣布角逐下任休斯敦市市长, 并且组成了数百位由社区工商文化界组成之龎大助选团, 為他募款打气。

助选委员会主席由休斯敦商业鉅子火箭队老闆提尓曼佛蒂塔担任, 当天捐款就有数百万美元。

惠迈在竞选大会上宣佈, 他的政见除了促进本市之经济继续繁荣之外, 还将极力改善治安及清理市容, 在他过去数十年之从政经验之中, 他最能瞭解市民之需要。


老实说, 市长选举和我们是息息相关, 他是我们的父母官, 在他的职权内可以左右市政之大权。

现任市长特纳因任期所限 将於今年底退职 ,在他过去七年任期 ,和我们社会之关係也十分良好。

市长选举今年十一月举行, 已有近十位候选人正在躣跃欲试。

Senator Whitmire Announces For Houston Mayor Race

Just last week, hundreds of supporters and friends got together at the Houston Post Oak Hotel to witness Texas Senator John Whitmire make his announcement that he will run for mayor of the City of Houston.

A group of Asian Americans, including Glen Gondo, Kevin Yang and Hasu Patel were among the supporters of Whitmire in attendance. 

The position of mayor is such an important position for all of us. The mayor is the one who can make many things happen in the city. We believe with the experience that Senator Whitmire has, he will fully understand the needs of our city, especially the crime and safety issue. 

The current Mayor Turner, because of term limitations, will step down at the end of this year. He has been such a great mayor and we have had a very good relationship with him in our community. 

We are urging more Asians to participate in the political process, not just for our community today, but also as well as for our future generations.