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社评 1227 中国大陆将全面取消隔离政策

社评 1227 中国大陆将全面取消隔离政策


中国国家卫健委二十六日正式宣佈将从明年元月八日起对新型冠状病毒感染实施乙类疫管政策 对新冠病毒感染者不再实施隔离措施也不再对入境人员和货物采取检疫传染病管理措施


此一消息发佈后 受到中外各界人士之热烈欢迎 这意味着三年后中国大陆之大门再度向外开放

三年来的清零政策 虽然减缓了大陆患疫者大量死亡 但是在経济层面确付出了惨重代价

多少海外人士及华人华侨近三年来都无法回国 从元月八日起我们欣见中美两国之航班迅速復航 贵昂之机票也会下调

在此同时我们也呼吁大家能做好自身防护 人群聚集塲所时戴上口罩等措施

我们更希望世界各地应携手合作共同面对可怕之病毒 為人类健康而共同努力。

China Will End Covid-19 Restrictions For International Travelers

Chinese top health authorities have just announced that China will drop the quarantine requirement for all passengers arriving from outside of the country’s borders starting on Jan. 8, 2023.

China has also scrapped all other restrictive Covid-19 measures for travelers, including quarantines for positive patients and contact tracing.

After the news was released, it was warmly welcomed by people around the world which means that the gate of China will be opened again after three years. 

Although the Zero-Covid policy in the past three years has slowed down a large number of deaths of epidemic patients in China, the country has indeed paid a heavy price at the economic level.

We hope that this opening up will bring a rapid resumption of flights and reduce the price of tickets and that many tourists will visit China soon.

All over the world people need to work together and continue to fight against this terrible virus and work hard for the best health for everybody.