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社评0103 拜登下令禁用抖音

社评0103  拜登下令禁用抖音


拜登总统在签署四千多页的政府支出预算案时, 同时批准政府机关禁止使用抖音, 将近四百万政府员工将受到此法令之影响 这项行动旨在阻止这家中国大陆之社群软体对国家安全之威胁 也使中美两国之矛盾继续加深

2020 年川普执政以来 就企图禁用抖音 但遭法院否决 保守派人士一直希望能实施 最近抖音也被质疑对富比士杂誌三名记者行动进行跟踪引起各界之关注

美国抖音公司对於此项禁令表示失望 并在声明中表示将会继续和司法部协商保密之问题

我们要在此非常遗憾之表示 抖音如果是全面性之关闭 包括一般百姓都无法使用将是社群媒体之重大改变和损失

目前世界上使用抖音之人群数以亿计 在美国使用人数也超越了许多其他社群媒体 可谓来势汹汹 不可阻挡 而这公司始原於中国大陆是西方世界所顾忌的媒体

我们的世界真的变了 中美之间的猜忌越来越大 包括科技 太空 金融 皆在逐渐加温竞赛之中 我们预见未来的世界将一分為二 是祸是福 有待时间来告诉我们了

                                               Limited TikTok Ban In The U.S.

President Biden approved a limited TikTok ban when he signed the spending bill into law. The ban prohibits nearly 4 million federal government employees from using the TikTok app on devices owned by the government.

Given the increasing scrutiny on this social media app, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, it could be just the beginning of more challenges to come for the widely popular app.

TikTok employees improperly tracked the locations of three magazines' journalists and imported the files to the company which amounted to spying. One of their executives resigned and another was fired.

Since Trump came to power in 2020, he had tried to ban TikTok, but his efforts were rejected by the court.

We would like to express our disappointment on this and we hope that future court action will be the solution to help solve the problem.

At the present time there are billions of people in the world who are using TikTok and its use in the United States has also surpassed many of the other social media formats.

Our world has really changed. There are more and more growing suspicions between China and the United States including in technology, space and finance which have gradually heated up and fueled the fierce competition. We foresee that the world of the future will divide into two distinct parts. Whether it will be a blessing or not, only time will tell.