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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0106 我们感谢格林议员之大力相挺

社评0106 我们感谢格林议员之大力相挺


数天前参加了国会眾议员艾尔格林之早餐会 当塲宣佈二十多个公私团体得到联邦政府之补助 其中包括二百五十万元给予休斯敦国际区 进行基建治安及市容之改善工程

过去十五年国际区経过德州议会立法在位於休斯敦市区八号公路至六号路段设定為国际区 経州及市政府批准每年大约徵得一百六十万元之税收用於改进市容 治安及基建工程 多年来获得很好之成绩

然而整个区内之规划和建设仍然不足 尤其是在我们规划中要增加许多文化娱乐设施 诸如大牌楼 文化博物馆 室外音乐广场,, 并将举办各种活动来吸引国内外之游客 增加经济之繁荣

格林议员是我们社区多年来之好兄弟 举凡我们面临任何灾难和困难 他都一马当先 拔刀相助 这样的民选官员 实在是非常难得

我们将会立即规划善用此笔补助款项 希望国际区能继续发展 造福社区経济之活络

We Are Thankful To Congressman Al Green

A few days ago I attended Congressman Al Green’s breakfast meeting when it was announced that more than twenty public and private groups had received grants from the federal government, including $2.5 million dollars for the Houston International District for infrastructure, public safety and other improvements in our district.

Twenty years ago, the Texas Legislature passed a resolution to set up an International District from Beltway 8 to Highway 6. Since that time, we have used about $1.5 million dollars to improve the district’s safety and infrastructure projects.

However, the planning and construction in the area is still insufficient. In our master plan, we want to build an international gate, an outdoor theater and sponsor various activities to attract more visitors to our district to increase economic prosperity.

Congressman Green has been our good friend for a long time. Whenever we have faced any disaster or difficulties, he has always been on the front line.

Al, we really thank you for what you have done for our district.