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社评0110 匪夷所思 六岁儿童射杀老师

社评0110   匪夷所思 六岁儿童射杀老师

匪夷所思 六岁儿童射杀老师

维吉尼亚州新港市的一间公立小学,上週五一名才六岁的学童公然以手枪射杀自己的一名女老师 ,警方在一项声明中表示, 这不是意外事件, 这名一年级六岁兇嫌已被拘捕 ,三十多岁的女老师情况危急 ,所幸没有其他学生受到伤害。由於年龄关係, 警方未公佈兇嫌姓名, 但是愤怒的家长及行政主管人员表示 ,这项令人难予置信的幼年开枪行為是社会之病态。我们在此有同样之感受 ,我们要先责问这名六岁孩童之父母或家长是如何会让他能拿到兇器带到教室里 而校方现有的侦测设备到哪去了?

今天全美枪支氾滥之程度已经让人到了无法忍受之地步, 我们的社会真的是生病了, 而且已经病得不轻。我们也要在此呼吁 ,社区领袖、 政客及教育界人士必须动员起来, 一切都先要从家庭做起枪支管制,也希望国会继续讨论和立法, 否则, 还有更多更大的兇杀无辜不幸事件继续上演。

Unbelievable Crime -- Six-Year-Old Shoots Teacher

A 6-year-old student at a Virginia elementary school opened fire and shot his teacher last Friday. The police chief told reporters that, “This is not an accidental shooting.”

A woman in her 30’s suffered a life-threatening gunshot wound and was taken to a hospital. The boy was taken into custody. Mayor Jones said, "It is a dark day for us, and it really hurts my heart."

This is a real tragedy for all of us. We really need to find out how this six-year-old got possession of the gun in the first place, and we need to seriously ask his parents or guardian how this is even possible.

Is there a metal detector in this school? How could this child bring a loaded firearm into a public elementary school undetected? Were there any level of security precautions in place? These and other questions must be answered. This student endangered his teacher and all of the other teachers and students at the school.

This is a big social issue for our community. Educators and politicians, we really need to take action now to address this type of problem. Otherwise, many shootings caused by minors will happen again.