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社评0111 我们正迎接兔年之来临

社评0111   我们正迎接兔年之来临


兔年是中国传统歷法确定的, 生肖中的兔对应着十二地支中的卯, 兔年即卯年, 也就是辛年。

為了迎接兔年之来临, 我们定於元月廿一日上午十时至下午五时, 在美南新闻广场上举办第二十七届农历新年游园会, 希望和休斯敦市民共同迎接新年之到来。

当天上午十时, 市长特纳 、国会议员格林等政府及各族裔领䄂将参加在美南环球剧㘯举行之新春团拜大会, 由市长正式宣佈兔年之来临并向全体市民拜年。

过去三年来,由于新冠病毒之侵袭我们的室外庆祝活动也取消了, 今年我们终於重新在室外举办。

这项迎新活动将在广㘯上有连续七小时之文艺演出, 包括舞龙、 魔术、 各族裔舞蹈歌唱表演 ,并将有各型食品、文化创意產品之摊位。

我们有幸生活在族裔文化溶合之社区,这也是代表我们社会之主要力量, 希望这次之新春活动為社区带来更多之文化色彩。

We Welcome The Year Of The Rabbit


Southern News Group is preparing to host one of the biggest Lunar New Year celebrations on January 21st this year on our front lawn. The activities will start from 10 am until 5:00 pm. We will also host a reception at 10:00 am in our International Studio at our TV station. Mayor Turner and Congressman Al Green and many community leaders will be there to greet all of our friends.


For the last three years, because of Covid-19, we had suspended our outdoor festival, but this year we are so glad we can host the outdoor celebration again.


On the day of the festival, the program will start with a dragon dance and will be followed up with singing, dancing, magicians and many stage performances. On the grounds, we will also have many booths with a wide variety of foods and souvenirs for all of the visitors.


We have been very proud to sponsor the lunar festivals over the last 27 years. Here is the reason we are celebrating our divine culture in this great land: no matter where you come from, we all still need to remember our heritage.