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社评0113 推动多元族裔文化

社评0113 推动多元族裔文化


休斯敦国际区成立十五年以来, 不断融合各族裔社区在区内发展各型大小商业, 并带来了多彩多姿之文化活动。

今天我们在国际贸易中心和新到任的学区总监梅斯博士见面, 并共同探讨如何在国际制定每年之各项文化活动, 也帮助区内之经済繁荣。

今年之活动除了下週六元月二十一日在美南广塲举行之兔年新春庆祝活动之外, 我们将共同举办七月四日美国国庆大游行, 预计将有二十五辆花车到时会通过国际区百利大道举行并做实况转播。

随着不断增加之人口 ,也带了各种商业活动, 大街上各种文字招牌, 使用不同语言,大家和睦相处 ,真正表现了美国立国精神。


                                  We Are Proud Of Multi-Ethnic Cultures

Almost fifteen years since the establishment of the Houston International District, the district has continuously integrated into an amalgam of many ethnic communities where they have developed many businesses of all sizes into the region and brought many colorful and diverse cultural activities.

Today when we met with Dr. Mays, the new leader of our schools, we stressed that we would like to produce and support annual multi-cultural events in our district in order to help local businesses to continue to thrive.

In addition to the annual Lunar New Year celebration next Saturday on our grounds on January 21st from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, we also plan to organize a July 4th parade with at least 25 floats to represent the different cultures in our district.

With the continuous increase of new residents and businesses into our district, we are ready to welcome all of you to celebrate our great nation’s birthday.