社评 0123 加州「小台北」惨案
有小台北之称的加州洛杉磯蒙特利公园市週六晚上十点半,一名兇嫌在教舞中心开枪扫射,当场击毙十人,重伤十人, 据报一名华人兇嫌已经被捕。
我们看到这塲悲剧之后, 心中有无限之忿怒和哀愁, 就在事发之地点 ,也是我非常熟悉的地方,每次造访洛杉磯总会途经该地,享用正宗之中餐, 或者和老友茶叙。
令人非常不能瞭解的是, 兇手也是七十二岁的华裔居民, 据称他已经在一辆白色货车中自戕身亡 ,他為何有此深仇大对自己同胞下此毒手?
今天我们大家来到美国 ,多半人也不过是追求更美好之生活, 理应大家互相支持互相帮助, 尤其是在此艰难时刻。
代表蒙特利公园市公园之国会议员赵美心对此表达无限之忧虑和愤怒, 希望这不是种族仇恨之行為。
美国社会治安之败壊及枪支氾滥之情形 ,已经是国家危机,我们之忿怒和无奈一定要充分表达给执政当局及民议代表。
Our Anger And Sorrow
In Monterey Park, close to Los Angeles, California, known as 'Little Taipei,' at 10:30 pm Saturday, a gunman opened fire inside a local dance studio and killed ten people and seriously injured ten others on the spot. It is reported that the Chinese American suspect has died by suicide.
After we learned about the tragedy there was infinite wrath and sorrow in our heart. At the place where the incident happened, it is also a place I am very familiar with. Every time I have visited LA, I always have passed by and enjoyed authentic Chinese food or meet with our old friends in the area.
We really don’t understand why this 72-year-old murderer would have such a deep hatred against his innocent people.
Today we all came to this land because we were looking for a better life. We need to help each other, especially in this difficult time.
Congresswoman Judy Chao who represents Monterey Park expressed infinite anxiety and anger hoping this was not a hate crime.
The failure of our national safety and the proliferation of guns has become a national crisis. We want to strongly express our anger and helplessness to the government and to the representatives who represent us in the U.S. Congress.