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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0202 我的好姐妹 国会议员希拉积克信李

社评 0202  我的好姐妹 国会议员希拉积克信李

我的好姐妹 国会议员希拉积克信李

每年庆祝春节园游大会, 被相称為好姐弟的美国国会资深眾议员希拉积克信.李一定到塲向大家拜年, 今年也不例外 ,冒着寒风细雨, 她仍然来到现塲, 使我们倍感亲切和温暖。

这位代表休斯敦第十八选区之眾议员 ,从一九九五年当选后一直连任至今, 她是毕业於耶鲁大学之高材生, 多年来她在政坛上以敢讲能说称着, 并且是在二千年时极力支持给予中国大陆最惠国待遇 ,她认為有助於休斯敦及美国之経济发展。

上週六她在台上為我们颁发了一份奬状文中讃誉国际区二十年来之发展对族裔社区之贡献, 并希望新成立的环球第一银行继续為地区经济带来活力。

我向她一再保証 ,金融服务是社区之主要力量 ,我们一定会尽全力来配合少数种裔之経济发展。

当我从这位姐妹收中收到奬函时 ,真是百感交集, 数十年来 我和妻及眾多工作伙伴在这块土地上努力奋斗, 一眼望去, 多少支持和鼓励我们往前奋进的各族裔朋友们, 能够把媒体 、文化、 贸易、 金融银行融匯於一体 ,我们一定不会辜负大家之付託, 為这片土地贡献心力。

Our Sister Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Every year when we celebrate the Lunar New Year, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee must come and say, 'Happy New Year' to us. This year was no exception. In the cold wind and drizzle, she still came to be with us which makes us feel very warm.

Sheila has represented Houston's 18th District in Congress since 1995. She was a  Yale graduate and for many years she has been known for being able to speak out. She also voted to give China the most favored nation status in 2000. She thinks it will help Houston and the nation’s economy.

Last week she presented me with a proclamation on the festival stage and praised the International District’s contribution to the City of Houston's economy and in other areas. She told me that the newly opened Global One Bank should bring more vitality to the regional economy. I have repeatedly guaranteed her that we will do our best to help many small businesses, especially in our minority community.

When I received this award from her hand, I had very mixed feelings. For many decades my wife and I and hundreds of our colleagues have worked very hard to reach our goal. Our vision has been to be an integrated media, trade and financial service all in one spot to serve our community.

We are so thankful and very much appreciate the many of you who have helped us to reach these days and our goal. We will live up to everyone’s trust and continue to contribute to this great land.