美国新冠疫情日记4/30/2020 穹苍為幕 屋顶為台

穹苍為幕 屋顶為台
由美南电视传媒集团推出的 “抗击疫情,奉献爱心” 全球华人音乐艺术家线上音乐会,定於今晚起每天晚上美国中部时间下午七时,在美南国际电视台透过网路Youtube 、STV app、 iTalkBB 及15·3 频道向全球播出,让音乐家们的歌声来扫除疫情之隂霾,希望得到全球观眾之支持。
纽约曾经是世界最耀眼的城市,过去两个月来被新冠病毒之肆虐,遭受了前所未有之苦难,一位在前綫抢救病患的年轻美丽的罗娜布雷医生,因感染病毒无法承受目睹医院中之惨况因而自缢去世,正值茂华青春之年,她还是选择了早日结束自己的生命,事后她的妹妹告诉记者说,布雷医生在急救中心日夜奋战,身心俱疲,她对纽约州政府对此次疫情之準备不全也甚有厌 言, 如此悲剧,怎不令人悲慟。
我们是一些平民百姓,在面临如此严峻艰苦之时刻,我们只能联合所有具有爱心的音乐艺术家们 献上歌声,来抚慰苦难的兄弟姐妹们。
Let Music Comfort Our Pain
STV Online Visual Musical Concert
Southern TV is planning to sponsor a visual music performance starting tonight 7:00 pm Central time. The concert will broadcast on Channel 15.3, Youtube STV app and on ItalkBB around the world. We hope this program will comfort the pain of the many victims of the Coronavirus.
New York, the most shining city in the world, is still suffering with this pandemic. A couple of days ago, we lost Dr. Lorna Breen at a New York Hospital. Her sister told the media that Dr. Breen was facing big challenges and she witnessed many patients that did not make it in the Emergency room. This tragic situation caused her great pain and finally she committed suicide. We deeply felt so much pain for her loss and just want to ask, does anyone understand how this medical team feels about their hard job?
America, we are still the richest country in the world and this pandemic has been here for months. We still don’t see that the federal and local, and state governments are fully coordinating the fight against this invisible enemy.
As ordinary citizens, we all want to mobilize the musicians of the world to contribute their beautiful voices to all our sisters and brothers who are living in pain and doubt.
We all pray that this suffering and hardship will soon come to an end.