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0207 中美外交濒临破裂

0207 中美外交濒临破裂


美国国务卿布林肯预定访华因汽球事件而取消, 再次暴露两大强权在军事、経贸之冲突导致和显示中美关係之脆弱。

当中国大陆之气球徘徊在美国上空引发各界高度关切, 最后在南卡附近水域被飞弹击落, 美方渴望得到残骸进行侦察到底内部藏有什麼机 密。 但是此一气球事件对美国人而言,尤其是国会诸公说明中国之威胁已经 到了登门踏户之象徵意义,因而引起共和党趁机对拜登大加挞伐, 布林育也取消访华行程。 

北京方面矢口否认气球和收集情资有关, 只不过是收集气象资讯, 认為美国小题大作。

遗憾的是中美两大强权已经逐渐失去信用基础 ,如此下去如果中国领导人真的走访俄罗斯 ,势必导致冷战之开始, 对全球国家将是一塲灾难。

縦观世界未来情势之发展 ,我们亟需有智慧之领袖来规划未来世界之前途, 一旦冷战形成 ,乃人类之大不幸也。

U.S. - China Relations Are In Trouble 

After a U.S. fighter jet shot down a  Chinese balloon, the reaction from Beijing was very angered, and further declared the action as, “strong discontent and protectionist,” saying that the balloon was a civilian research airship blown way off course by fierce winds. But the U.S. government rejected China's response, stating that the balloon was on a spying mission. 

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had been preparing to visit Beijing last week to discuss many issues, but he pulled out of the trip citing that the reason for the cancellation was because of the balloon issue. 

Chinese military sources said, “We solemnly protest the U.S. action and retain the right to use the necessary means to deal with similar circumstances.”

In the meantime, newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to visit Taiwan soon which will make the two countries' relationship much more  stressful. 

We are very worried and disappointed. The relations between the U.S. and China are at a very low point. In the near future, we need to reach a resolution of mutual benefit, not just for the two countries alone, but also  for the entire world as well.