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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0217 友情永固的柯克郡长应聘為法律顾问

社评0217 友情永固的柯克郡长应聘為法律顾问


在国际区败选的前郡长柯克我们日前又在中国城晚餐, 品嗜北京烤鸭及中国美味, 我也只有说, 胜败仍兵家常事。

我们和柯克郡长之结识只有一年多, 他是被民主党佔多数的赫里斯郡把他的选区从北边划到了西南区,包括国际区在内, 由于选民结构之改变 ,使他的选战打起来特别吃力, 不料他八年任期后只有交出权力。

就在去年十月, 在他七十五万美元资助下, 在我们区内建造一座中式凉亭, 并且已开始建造, 预计今年底竣工, 可惜剪綵的人已经不是他了。

柯克是忠诚的共和党人, 曾経做过二十二年的地方法官, 八年的郡长, 他和许多人不太一样的是酷爱中国菜 ,更有许多华人朋友, 包括他早年雇用的法律助理也是华人女律师。

在那天的聚餐会上, 我们谈了许多关于国际区未来之发展, 他仍然十分奋亢地支持我们社区建造一个和谐之社会。

我也当㘯聘请他為我们的法律顾问 ,他也欣然接受, 柯克先生已経在政界服务了三十年 ,他告诉我, 没有选上他唯一的好处是职业律师可以赚到更多的钱,并和家人相处之时间增多了。

Our Dear Friend Commissioner Cagle Is Now Our Attorney

We had a Beijing duck dinner with Commissioner Cagle after he lost the election. We tried to comfort him by saying that, "To win or lose is still not unusual."
I personally knew Commissioner Cagle not more than one year ago because of the redistricting of the County. His district changed to include the International District. For a Republican, that made it more difficult for him in this part of county and in last November's election he lost the seat.
Just last August, Cagle approved the building of an Asian style pavilion in our district. It is still expected to be completed within a year. Unfortunately, he will not be the person who will cut the ribbon when the structure is opened.
Cagle is a Republican. He served as a Judge for 22 years and as a Harris County Commissioner for 8 years. He has so many Chinese Asian friends, including his assistant who was a female Chinese American lawyer.
In our meeting Cagle said that he is still very concerned about our community and told me he is going to continue to support us.
We decided to hire him as our attorney. He readily accepted our offer. I joked with him that from now on, we will need his protection.
Cagle told me that even though he lost the election, he is now making more money and has more time with his family.