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社评 0224 休斯敦国际区天桥将抜地而起

社评  0224  休斯敦国际区天桥将抜地而起


在今午由我主持召开之休斯敦国际区执委会议中, 委员们听取了最新的国际区天桥音乐文化博物馆园区之设计蓝图。


国际区之天桥计划将列為第一期工程, 这座横跨百利大道之人走道, 将是一道进入国际区之大门。设计非常现代化 ,而且配有巨型LED 国际区标誌, 并在桥上顕示多种文字之欢迎标语。

在整个计划中将分成三大部份, 第二期计划工程是兴建四层高的国际文化博物馆及室外音乐广场, 以供民眾做為户外音乐表演塲地及展示各族裔文化 ,全面发掦多元种族之多元文化。

我们深信美国之强大是因為千万不断来自世界各地的移民贡献了他们的青春和智慧,共同建造这块土地, 而国际区就是最佳之例証。

The International Gate Will Rise

At today’s Houston International District board meeting we reviewed the blueprints presented by architect C C Lee for the International Gate, the International Culture Museum and the Outdoor Music Theater.

The Board decided that in the next meeting we will review the budget proposed by the firm.

The International Gate will be the first phase of our plan. This bridge will be designed with very modern LED signs and with many welcome messages in different languages.

We are convinced that the strength of our country has been built by tens of millions of immigrants from all over the world. They devoted their whole lives and energy to come over here to call the U.S. their home.

We are very proud that we are building this model project for the rest of the country to show our different cultural heritages.

We hope the gate will be the first step for our district to improve our community life.