美国新冠疫情日记5/2/2020 新药上市救病患

New Drug Gives Us Hope
The FDA approved a drug after preliminary results from a government-sponsored study showed that remdesivir shortened time to recovery by 31%. The study went through 1063 patients and is the largest and most strict test of the drug and included a control group that received just usual care so remdesivir’s effect could be rigorously evaluated.
In the states of Alabama, Tennessee, Maine and Texas all the Governors let all restaurants, malls, movie theatres and retail shops open their doors at 25% of customer capacity. In Houston, one night club wanted to open for business and the owner claimed that the club is a restaurant. But the city disagreed and tried to block his opening the door.
As of this Friday, the U.S. jobless rate reached 16% percent with Thirty million people out of work. This is the worst economic condition we have had since the Great Depression.
We all hope the new drug and vaccine will come to the rescue of our country. The countries all over the world are trying to find the solution, but in reality politicians have their own agendas. We don’t see a bright future coming with a solution yet.