社评0308 休斯敦学区正面临接管

特纳市长对此表示极大之不满 ,并将参加反制行动 ,在此同时,
近年来 ,包括休斯敦在内之美国大都会区 许多居民都是较贫困的
学区之未来有係於整个社会之发展教育乃百年大计 。
Houston Independent School District Is Facing A Takeover
A group composed of politicians, teachers and community leaders is expected go to Austin to demonstrate against a state takeover of the district. This is the biggest challenge in history for Houston's education system.
Mayor Sylvester Turner expressed great dissatisfaction with the prospect of a takeover and plans to participate in a counter-action.
At the same time, State Senator Whitmire and other senators joined in an action to sponsor Bill 1662 to oppose the State's takeover of the district.
Whether any opposition will be successful or not is still in doubt.
At present, there are 200,000 students and 27,000 teachers in the Houston Independent School District which ranks number one in Texas and eighth largest in the nation.
In recent years many residents in the metropolitan areas of the United States, including Houston, are poorer ethnic minorities made up of Latin American and African communities. The tax bases are much lower and the tax money is less than average. The situation prevents the hiring of good teachers and lowers student quality.
We are urging all community leaders to get involved in the crisis that threatens our local education system. We need to save our next generation.