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社评 0315 矽谷高科技面临寒冬

社评 0315 矽谷高科技面临寒冬


矽谷银行被政府接管之后,週二开始恢復运作,该银行已经在一月底开始解雇了一百五十名员工, 大约佔全部八千五百名员工的百分之壹点四, 事实上他们已经感觉到寒冬之来临。

美国金融监管机构在接手后除了保证二十五万元客户存款之外,也保证其餘存款户, 以帮助数千家中小企业度过难关 ,新任总裁马约布罗表示所有员工将继续原来薪资及福利。

由於业务在减少之中, 位於湾区之脸书今天再度宣布裁员百分之十三, 对於这些科技公司而言将来必将有更多之困难。 主要是各种新科技之发达 。必然有更大的竞争

。美国政府及国会正在硏拟如何限制及阻止诸如抖音等社交媒体在美国之发展 ,其中还有一个原因是因為造成国内媒体之重大竞争压力。

我们的世界已经在迅速改变之中, 人工智慧及更多之传媒產品必将继续改变我们取得资讯之方式,当年独霸一方的媒体巨擘, 将会逐渐式微。 

New Challenges For Social Media Giants

One month before the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, they quietly laid off 120 employees, or about 1.4% of the total of 8,500 employees.

Tech giant Facebook laid off 13% of their employees in the Bay Area in late 2022, and earlier this year, Silicon Valley Bank discovered that their depositors were dropping out as their clientele of tech companies, who were heavily  invested in venture capital funds, saw that their interest rates were going up. 

On Sunday, the government moved to guarantee that all SVB deposits, even those with balances above the FDIC insured amount of $250,000 for each depositor, would be protected. The FDIC appointed former Fannie Mac CEO Tim Mayopoulous as the new CEO and  employees returned to their positions with normal pay and benefits. 

As many new tech companies are now coming into the market, the old tech and social media giants will face more challenges which will be of great benefit to consumers.

The world is changing very rapidly, so we all need to adapt to the new technology that is coming every day and shaping our future. We are also very happy that we are becoming a part of these wonderful global changes where so many things are just under our 
