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社评0329 休斯敦市长选举又增强手

社评0329  休斯敦市长选举又增强手


在任职联邦眾议院二十八年之后 ,希拉稹克逊李宣称,她将从华府回到休斯敦竞选下任市长, 这将為这个全国第四大城的首长竞逐投下变数。

在这次市长大选中已经有六位报名参加者, 他们多半已经有充足之经费 ,其中以州参议员惠德迈已经有一千万的竞选基金, 而且是呼声最高的候选人。

许多政治及公务员团体已经為一些候选人背书,其中包括警察工会、 劳工及市府员工工会, 他们本身多半是民主党籍。

多年来包括休斯敦在内的美国各大城市, 多半是由民主党执政, 他们也面临许多不同之挑战 ,在他们施政理念中必须照顾弱势团体诸如流浪汉、 单亲家庭,因此财政上也十分困难。

近年来由於经济上之荣景,德州不断有新居民迁入, 休斯敦市已经成為多族裔之南方大城。 随着能源、 医疗、 太空及城市之扩建, 使它成為经济增长最快之大城市之一。

市长之权力庞大, 掌握整个城市之发展, 预定今年十一月份之市长选举, 将是塲激烈之竞争, 也為本市选出一位领导人,带领我们继续向前发展。

Houston's Mayoral Election Is Heating Up 

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has served Houston in Congress since 1995. Now she wants to be the next Mayor of Houston. Her candidacy will definitely shake up the mayor’s race. 

We already have six well-funded competitors for the mayor's race, including Texas Senator John Whitmire who has an election 'war chest' of millions in the bank. He is also currently the front runner and many groups have already endorsed him.

The election for mayor of Houston will be held on November 7th of this year. Due to the large number of candidates, if no candidate receives over 50% of the vote, a runoff will likely be held about one month after the general election.

Currently, the candidates for mayor include Chris Hollis, Amada Edwards, Lee Kaplan, Robert Gallegos and Gilbert Garcia. 

In recent years, due to the continuous influx of new residents into Texas, Houston has become a multi-ethnic southern city. The position of mayor holds great power for the leadership of our city.

We are here to urge all the voters in Houston to make the right decision and select our new mayor, not just for our community today, but also for the future of our next generation.