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社评0401 文化传𠄘 族群共容

社评0401  文化传𠄘 族群共容

文化传𠄘 族群共容

生平最喜欢的事可能就是应孙女之邀参加小学校的亲子活动, 尤其是在一项由校方主办的国际学生文化交流活动中应邀表演中国书法。

週四下午是个风和日丽的春天日子, 我和女𠒇外孙女携带毛笔、 墨砚、 宣纸来到威彻士特小学之大厅, 学生及家长们已经把二十多个摊位儕得水泄不通, 代表各国文化及食物之摊位充满了欢笑, 会埸中之舞狮锣鼓声掀开了序幕。

外孙女及女𠒇在摊位為我準备纸墨, 并向来访的小学生们派送红包及筷子, 并由我為他们用毛笔书写上每一个人的中文名 ,大家好奇而微笑地向我致谢。

在近两小时的活动中, 数百位来自几十个国家的小学生们, 游走在不同国家的文化氛围中并品嗜了不同之小吃 ,真是塲令人难忘的文化盛宴。

我常想到这块土地之有活力是因為我们溶合了全世界最优秀的移民在此壮大发展, 今天我们看到的小朋友, 在他们心目中只批快乐的小天使, 他们心中一片纯真 ,绝没有仇恨 。

我们大家都选择了这块土地是我们的家园, 我们就必须和睦相处 ,视如家人, 今天的文化游园会正代表了我们传承自己之文化传统, 促进族群和谐 。

We Are All In The Same Family 

One of the favorite things in my life is to join our granddaughter’s activities in her school, especially at their international cultural expo where I had the opportunity to perform Chinese calligraphy. 

Thursday afternoon was a beautiful spring day. My daughter and granddaughter brought me a brush    and ink and we went to the hall of the Westchester Elementary School. Many students and parents were packed in as the lion dance kicked off the party while more than thirty booths representing thirty different countries with their cultural displays and foods made it a truly international event.

My granddaughter prepared the rice paper and ink for me at the booth and we gave away red envelopes and chopsticks to the students who visited our booth. I wrote their Chinese names for them and everyone smiled and thanked to me. 

I often think of the vitality of this land because we have integrated the most talented people to come here to grow and develop. The children we saw here today all looked like little angels. Their hearts are full of innocence and there is no hatred. 

We all have this land as our home and we must live in harmony. We all have the same goal to work together toward the same goals and to be a peaceful community and let our next generation live a very happy life.