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国际区再添新伙伴 贺Kpot 烧烤火锅店开张

国际区再添新伙伴  贺Kpot 烧烤火锅店开张

5/9/2023 星期二日记


Kpot 烧烤火锅店开张

週日午后国际区百利大道上锣鼓掀天,筹备多时的Kpot 今天开张营业 。这家耗资百万装璜豪华的火锅店 ,為我们国际区带来了新的伙伴  ,我也偕同市议员汤姆斯女士及许多社区代表為这家餐厅剪綵祝贺。

近二十年来 ,国际区在我们许多开拓者之共同努力下 把荒土变成了商业文化区 ,尤其是百利大道上近年来有大批新移民迁入 ,许多是从加州橙县搬来的越裔 ,他们在加州出售自己之住宅后所得金额充够他们在休斯敦购买一间比加州更大之住宅 ,并且还有餘钱开设小型商业作為谋生工具。

这家佔地万呎由两位年轻华裔创建的高档火锅店 ,内部陈设新颖 ,菜色丰盛 ,肉类繁多 ,各种酒水应有尽有 ,是目前最时尚的一家现代餐厅。

我们感到十分之兴𡚒这家餐厅為我们社区带来的经济活力 ,也应证了新移民在增加就业及税收上之贡献。

国际区之规划及发展我们正在不断努力之中 ,我们深感今天的新移民不但要求安身立命,也更要关心当地社区 ,促进族群和谐 ,再创新局。

New partner in Houston International District 

Kpot Hot pot Restaurant open Sunday at International District This millions dollars and luxurious hot pot restaurant has brought new partner to our district City Council Woamn Thomas and I with many community leaders came to the restaurant to congratulated on cutting the ribbons. 

In the past twenty years with the Jodi effort of many our pioneers has turned the wildness into cultural and commerce area especially on

Bellaire   Blvd. a large of ew immigrants have moved in many of them from Orange county California after they s old their home they can buy bigger house in Houston and have spare money to start a small business. 

This very fashion more than ten thousands square feet new restaurant is founded by two young Asian man restaurant is very fancy and with all kind of food to serve customers. 

We feel very excited this economic vitality brought by this business also proves the contribution of r pew immigrants in increasing employment and tax revenue.