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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

5/15/23 星期一日记 华裔家庭之典范 贺孙乙舜伉儷结婚七十五週年

5/15/23 星期一日记 华裔家庭之典范 贺孙乙舜伉儷结婚七十五週年

5/15/23 星期一日记




越华企业掌门人孙伟根先生昨晚在休斯敦為其令尊大人孙乙舜伉俪举办了一塲盛大晚宴 ,庆祝两位七十五週年之结婚纪念日 ,也庆祝他九十六岁生辰 。场面感人温馨 ,令人十分感动 ,也述说了我们旅居海外之炎黄子孙歴经艰苦奋斗成功之故事。

孙家自一九七九年后先后从战乱的越南漂洋过海来到了美国 ,并育有五女一男之大家庭 。在那些陈旧的家庭照中 ,孙乙舜先生一张在㕑房裡工作的旧照 ,也是他来美后第一份艰辛生活奋斗的开始 ,这把菜刀是打开家族企业的第一步。

四十多年来 ,孙家在眾多兄弟姐妹之共同努力下 ,把越华企业经营得有声有色, 从超市 、地產及金融 ,更令人感动的是他们家族对社会福利及公益事业之大力支持和赞助 ,在晚宴上分别為各地之潮州会捐助巨额善款。

孙府之第二及第三代已经超过五十餘人 ,他们不但是学有专精之知识份子 ,也在舞台上為爷爷奶奶献上美妙之舞艺和歌声 ,这是我们第一次看到如此感人之家族聚会。

孙伟根兄是家庭中唯一男丁 ,他近年来职掌和领导姐妹们打出了一片天 ,不但是孙府之荣耀,也是在美华裔成功的传奇故事。

A Model Of Chinese-American Family--

Celebrate Muoi & At T. Sun's 75 Years Wedding Anniversary 

Chairman of the Vietwah enterprises,  Vican Tan Sun, held a grand dinner    for his parents, Muoi & At T. Sun, in Houston at the Ocean Palace Restaurant last night to celebrate his parents' 75th wedding anniversary and his father's 96 birthday. 

The scene was very touching. It also told a special very success story of the Sun family. 

The Sun family came to America after the end of the Vietnam war with six children, five daughters and one son. Among those old family pictures was one that showed Sun's first job was as a cook in the restaurant. The kitchen knife was the first step to starting his family business. 

For more than 40 years, with the joint efforts of many sisters and brother,  the Sun family has managed successful businesses from supermarkets, real estate and finance. The family also has been a strong supporter of social welfare and non-profit organizations that included tonight when they donated a large amount of funds to several different associations.

Today with almost fifty family  members with second and third generation backgrounds, they are        all well-educated, and even brought singing and dancing to the party.

We all are very proud of the Sun  family. You are our role model for the immigrant family. It is also a legendary story of success for the Chinese-American family.