社评0527 向越战老兵致哀

特纳市长和市议员波拉及数百位市政官员及参加越战之将领士兵週五上午聚集在西南区参加了越战纪念碑之开幕仪式 ,向大休斯敦地区在越战阵亡之543位战士表示哀悼。
市长在会上高度讃扬由市议员波拉领导之团队 ,在西南区第二十区之财政支持下, 经过三年的筹备, 终於完成这项有意义之工程, 為我们在越战牺牲的同胞们唤起市民对他们的追念。
波拉市议员在追述过去三年来為了完成参加过越战父亲之心愿, 得到市长及民间团体及个人之支持, 终於完成越战纪念碑来表达543位大休斯敦人牺牲生命而战之追忆。
在庄严之哀乐声中, 以二十一响礼炮為纪念碑揭开序幕。 今天到场的还有上百位参加过越战而后移居休斯敦的越南退伍军人, 他们如今皆是高龄八十以上之长者, 这项迟来的哀悼, 也算是一项补偿和祝福。
Condolences To The Veterans Of The Vietnam WarThe Houston Vietnam War Memorial Is Unveiled
Houston Mayor Turner and Councilman Pollard as well as hundreds of retired Vietnam war veterans gathered in southwest Houston on Friday to attend the opening ceremony of the Vietnam War Memorial and expressed condolences to the 543 soldiers killed in the Vietnam war from the greater Houston area.
At the ceremony, the mayor highly praised the team led by councilman Pollard with financial support by TIRZ 20. After three years of hard work they finally completed the project to commemorate the citizens and our compatriots who died in the Vietnam war.
At the ceremony, the mayor highly praised the team led by councilman Pollard with financial support by TIRZ 20. After three years of hard work they finally completed the project to commemorate the citizens and our compatriots who died in the Vietnam war.
Councilman Pollard’s father was a Vietnam veteran who wanted his son to build the monument. After many years of preparation, the dream has come true.
With a 21-gun salute, the Memorial was opened and many Vietnam veterans, including many retired Vietnamese soldiers who moved to Houston, also attended.
History can’t be forgotten. Many people lost their lives and we need to learn about the sadness of the war.
With a 21-gun salute, the Memorial was opened and many Vietnam veterans, including many retired Vietnamese soldiers who moved to Houston, also attended.
History can’t be forgotten. Many people lost their lives and we need to learn about the sadness of the war.