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社评0531领袖人才 从小做起

社评0531领袖人才  从小做起

领袖人才  从小做起

外孙女张文綺上週带回一张学校的全勤和全A之奖状, 我们立即以百元美钞奖励 ,她也欣然接受并答应会继续做个品学兼优的好学生。

文綺自五岁懂事开始, 她是唯一以手工画及祝福话為我庆祝生日的晚辈。 每次看到她亲手制作之生日作品, 我们都感到无比之开心和兴奋, 这不但表现了她对绘画艺术之天份, 更是对外公一份赤忱之孝意。

每年春节期间她们都参加了美南新闻举办之新春游园会, 记得那年我们的盛会在休斯敦市府广场前举行, 我把文綺高举在背, 她那时不过四岁之幼童, 这个电视画面成為我们共同之美好回忆。 

她上的公立小学常举办各种义卖, 她从不缺席, 每次都把自己制作之手工艺品捐出,把义卖所得捐助贫苦孩童。 春节时我把让她带上红包分送给同学朋友, 向大家表示祝贺。

在许多大型聚会塲所, 我常把她带到市长、 国会议员及政要面前, 她都能落落大方向大家问好 。

我常告诉她前交通部长赵小兰之故事 ,她六岁才移民美国 ,由於自身之奋斗努力, 最后成為部长。 在她身上表现的是充满怜悯他人, 学养丰富, 待人亲切, 孝敬父母 而且以华裔為傲。

文綺外孙品学俱优, 深具爱心, 孝心感人, 也许可成為第二𠆤赵小兰 ,我们是忠心期待, 也為她祝福 ......

 Leadership And Talent                  Start From An Early Age

Our granddaughter, Ava Chang, brought back an Award Certificate from school with full attendance  and an all A grade average. We immediately rewarded her with a one hundred dollar bill. She also gladly accepted and promised to continue to be a straight A student.

Since she was five-years-old, every year on my birthday she always brings me her handmade paintings and blessing. I felt extremely happy and excited. This not only shows her talent in art, but also her filial piety to older people, like her grandpa.   

Over the last twenty-six years, our company has sponsored the Lunar New Year celebration. I remembered a few years ago, the event was held in front of Houston's City Hall. I was holding her while sitting on the ground. The picture we took together became a good memory for us. 

Ava never has been absent. When the school holds a charity event, she donates her handicrafts to help the many less-fortunate kids. I also help her give red envelopes in the spring time to her classmates.

During the many large events we sponsor, I often let her come to meet the Mayor, our Congressman and many politicians. She is always very polite and says hello to all of them.

I often tell her a story about the former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao who immigrated to America at the age of six. Because of her hard work, she finally became a top secretary and head of a large  department in the government. What she showed always was kindness and filial piety to her parents and proud of her Chinese American heritage. 

 Maybe one day, Ava, with her excellent character and learning ability, will become a second Elaine Chao.

Ava, we are looking for it, and blessings for your success in the future.