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社评0601 惠特迈竞选市长助选餐会

社评0601  惠特迈竞选市长助选餐会


早在年前接到多年好友吉吉李之电话, 谈到她多年之老闆德州参议员惠特迈有意竞选休斯敦市市长,并希望我们能支持。 经过多次和参议员之交流 ,我们深感他应该是合适人选, 并决定於六月二日举办一次大型之助选餐会, 所不同的是由参议员买单请客。

今天我们大家聚集一堂, 来為惠特的迈参议员助选 ,為他走往休斯敦市长之路共同努力。

各位在座的兄弟姐妹们, 我们多半是為了追求自由和更美好之生活, 从世界各地来到这块土地 。大家请看看这裡我们生活的国际区及西南区 二十多年前是片荒地, 多年来由于大家共同之努力和奋斗 ,在此一地区已经成為大休斯敦经济最繁荣的模范区。

今天我们需要有如惠特迈参议员之领导力, 来带领我们继续走向更光明之未来。

首先我们已经向他建议 ,如果他当选上市长, 立即规划一个休斯敦轻工业文化经贸园区, 吸引更多之世界各地企业前来投资办厰。

根据最新统计, 大休斯敦地区之亚裔太平洋岛裔居民已经佔人口总数之百分之二十六, 人囗激增到一百二十万, 我们今天来自亚洲各地之市民 ,就是市府最佳之民间大使, 我们向未来的市长保证 一定会竭尽所能 ,為休斯敦带来更多之国民外交 、文化之交往。

今天我们亚裔社区面对非常严峻之挑战 ,大家一定要勇敢地团结起来 ,為我们自己及未来之子孙继续奋斗, 并预祝惠特迈参议员竞选市长马到成功。 

Senator Whitmire Is Running For Mayor Of The City of Houston

As recently as one year ago, I received a phone call from my long time friend GiGi Lee saying that her boss, State Senator Whitmire, wanted to be Mayor of Houston and he hoped that we could support him. After many conversations with the senator, we feel that he is the right person to be our next mayor. 

Today we all gathered together to show our support for our new leader.

Dear brothers and sisters, most of us came here to pursue freedom and better life. We have come to  this land from all over the world. As President Reagan once said, "The United States is the only country in the world where no matter where you came from, you can become an American."

Please look at the place where we are today. Twenty years ago it was raw farm land. Over the years, due to our shared common efforts and struggles, the International District and Asian Town area has become one of top business models in the city of Houston. 

Today we are looking for Senator Whitmire to lead us into the next chapter. He also promised us if      he becomes Houston's next mayor, he woukd create a new business and industrial park in the city to attract more investors to come and relocate to our city. 

According to the latest statistics, the number of Asian Pacific Islanders has soared to 1.2 million population in the greater Houston area. This represents about 26% of our total population. Everyone of us could become a goodwill ambasador to represent this great city to promote diplomacy, culture and business. 

Today our AAPI comunity is facing a very serious challenge. We must unite under the leadership of Senator Whitmire. We are going to support him to become the next mayor of the City of Houston.