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社评0603 休斯敦国际社区走进参政大道

社评0603  休斯敦国际社区走进参政大道


四百多位来自华亚裔非裔及主流社区週五晚间举办盛大之助选餐会, 支持德州参议员惠德迈竞选休斯敦市市长 。

我们组成了强大的助选团队包括华裔、 越裔、 非裔 、拉丁裔、 韩裔 、印裔 、巴基斯坦裔、 缅裔等二十位代表, 首先上台表达对惠特迈竞选市长之支持, 我在介绍惠特迈参议员时称讃他多年来对少数族裔之关怀, 他的仁慈和勇气及坚强之领导力。 我告诉在埸的数百位支持者说, 我们今天站在此地 ,是经过多少伙伴们超过二十多年之努力, 才把这块土地从农田地建选成一个商业文化区, 也更成為休斯敦之一项模范区。 

从人口数字看来 ,亚裔人士已经超过了一百二十万 ,占大休斯敦地区人口之四分之一 。这个惊人之增长速度显然和我们在政治上之影响力成正比、

在热情之助选人簇拥之下, 这位政坛老将向亚裔及其他族群保证, 在他成為市长之后一定会重用各族裔之优秀人才, 带领大家走向更光明之大道。

我们大家都為此次盛会感到兴𡚒, 也是我们步向参政重要之一大步伐。

Houston International Community Supports Whitmire's Run For Mayor

More than 400 members of the Asian Pacific Islander and African American communitues held a big reception to support Senator John Whitmire of Texas' run for Mayor of Houston. 

We have formed a strong team of more than twenty community leaders serve as co-chairs in the effort.

When we introduced Senator Whitmire on the stage we said because of his integrity, leadership and kindness, this will make him a great mayor. Right in the middle of the Houston International District and Asian Town, we all are pioneers who have built this land from raw farm land into a thriving commercial and diverse cultural land and have created one of the most prosperous zones in the city. We are so proud of what we have accomplished.

But when we are looking into the future, we need a strong mayor who can lead us into our future. Now we have more than 1.2 million Asian Pacific Islanders living in the greater Houston area. We are very strong in many ways. 

We are here to support Senator Whitmire to be the next mayor of the City of Houston. We believe he will be the best and the greatest leader to lead us into the next chapter of our generation.