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社评0616 我们共同的记忆

社评0616   我们共同的记忆




美南国际贸易中心成立21 週年 


每年六月十六日是我们刻苦铭心而又兴𡚒的日子, 每天清晨我走过美南新闻的广场 ,踏在我们亲手舖平的长廊, 那台被漆上金色的首台印刷机 ,记录了我们多少辛酸及振𡚒的岁月, 相信也是我们的工作伙伴及千万读者和观眾的共同记忆。

美南新闻在美国诞生茁壮的媒体事业 ,能够在过去数十载之艰辛日子走过,也可谓海外华人媒体之异数, 支撑我们走过来的是决不气馁的全美工作伙伴及无数的读者群眾。 我们能在海内外之大变局中䇄立不摇, 除了靠永不退缩之精神之外,  还是上天给予几分之爱倦, 每当我们在最困顿挣扎中之时刻, 总是峯廻路𨍭, 克服难关, 走向坦途。

二十年来, 国际贸易中心及国际区之成立, 成功地把我们带进了国际主流社区。 国际区百利大道上之车水马龙 ,佐证了我们对全市经济之贡献。多年来在国际贸易中心举办之各项活动, 带动了国际社区之活动, 也给予我们媒体走进主流开展新途径。

筹备四年多的环球第一银行终於开幕了 ,多少投资者对我们付託和信任, 开张不到三个月资產已经破一亿元。不这也是打破华亚裔银行之记銾, 我们将更进一步把美南美南新闻工作之团队加入金融服务之行列, 把金融和媒体全面结合, 以服务到「家」之精神再次创造新的奇蹟。

当我们再次触摸在大楼上的每块砖瓦 ,这股冲击心扉的激情, 依然鼓励我们继续向前。

 It is Our Common Memory 

On The 44th Anniversary Of Southern News Group And           

 The 21st Anniversary Of The International Trade Center,

Global One Bank Officially Opens

Every year on June 16 we are full of many memories. Every day when I walk through the grounds of the Southern News compound and step out on the sidewalk, I am reminded that we have worked this land with our own hands. The first gold-painted old press reminds us how many bitter and exciting years we have been through. We really believe that the future we have built has also depended on our hard-working co-workers and the support of our millions of readers and listeners.

Over the past 20 years, the establishment of the International Trade Center and the International District has successfully brought us into the main stream and brought us recognition and respect from the entire international community. 

After almost five years of struggle, Global One Bank finally has received approval and has opened for business. In just three months time, our assets have already grown to over $100 million. This rapid, short-time growth spurt has set a new record for all Asian-owned banks in America. Today we are going forward with our new marketing team to initiate a unique face-to- face service approach in our banking business and with all our media activities. We are opening a new role model for our company that will put the emphasis on, and be highlighted by, excellence in personalized service.

Today is such a great day for all of us. When we touch every brick on the building, again the deep heart-wrenching passion still encourages us to move forward