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社评0617 布林肯访华

社评0617  布林肯访华


美国国务卿布林肯将於近日内前往北京访问, 将就中美两国冰冷之关係进行讨论。 这也是事关世界大局之发展,两国关係如果得不到妥善之处理 ,将会继续面对非常艰难的未来。

我们应该对元老外交家吉辛格及目前在北京访冋的微软创办人比尔盖兹之谈话和想法给予高度之重视, 那就是中美两国应该共存而不是对抗, 因為中国之发展势头是无法阻挡之事实。 马斯克也说,中美两国有如连体婴 ,為何要把她们分开 ?

老实说我们要提醒美国执政及议员诸公, 今天我们美国已经是一个寅吃卯粮的国家, 完全是借债度日, 如果经济无法改善, 整个美元 、美军之全球地位必将受到严厉考验。

我们在美国的华亚裔公民非常担心台湾海峡发生冲突, 据称美国政府已经在研拟从台湾撤侨之计划, 难道是乌克兰悲剧即将上演了吗?

恳请中美台当権之人, 不要轻易成為歷史之罪人, 将千万无辜生命及建设毁於一旦。


Blinken’s Visit To China

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken will visit Beijing this weekend to discuss the cold relationship between the U.S. and China which is also affecting the future of the entire world. If the relationship between the two countries is not properly handled, the world will continue to face a very difficult future. 

As former U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, who is currently visiting Beijing expressed, "The two countries should coexist, rather than be conformation because China’s development momentum is an unstoppable fact."

And as Elon Musk said, "China and the U.S. are like twin babies - they just can’t be separated.

To be honest, we need to face the fact that America is living in debt. If our economy can’t improve, that will have an effect all over the world. 

We as Chinese-American citizens in this land are very worried about the conflict in the Taiwan Strait. It is said that the U.S. government is already developing a plan to evacuate citizens in Taiwan in case of war. Is it possible that the Ukraine tragedy is about to happen in Taiwan? 

We are urging all the politicians on both sides to use your wisdom to save millions of innocent  lives.