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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0628 非裔社区商业领袖聚会

社评   0628    非裔社区商业领袖聚会


週二上午,相识多年的布朗先生携同两位非裔社区商业领袖来访, 就如何加强社区繁荣及有关事项交换意见 。

布朗先生是我们在非裔社区中交往非常密切之好友。 近二十年来, 他一直筹办每年一度之纪念金恩博士市内大游行, 每年元月中旬在市区各大街道大家张灯结彩, 各式花车及游行队伍, 游走在大街小巷,敲锣打鼓, 非常热闹 。美南新闻每年也以少林武术队為前导,以花车共同纪念和庆祝金恩博士之丰功伟蹟。

我们必须承认,也更要感谢早年為我们奋战付出生命和鲜血及生命的非裔领袖, 如果不是当年之努力, 可能歷史终会改写。

多年来 ,由我主持的美南新闻传媒集团、 国际贸易中心、 国际区到甫自成立之环球第一银行 ,我们对非裔、 拉丁裔皆非常尊重,多年来已经是我们的弟兄及合作伙伴。

布朗兄弟早年是运动塲上之选手, 如今经营诸多事业并卓有所成 ,他也是社区重要之领袖, 我们都还在争取全民之公平正义继续抗争努力。

Gathering With African Community Leaders


 Sylvester Brown, Executive Director of the Houston Black Heritage Society, and I have known each other for many years. Mr. Brown visited our office on Tuesday morning to discuss and exchange ideas on how we can strengthen community prosperity and other related matters. 


Mr. Brown has been organizing the annual Dr. Martin Luther King parade in the City of Houston for many years. In the middle of January every year they have many parade floats with music and bands that have march through many of the major streets of the city. Our company has joined the parade in the past and made the Shaolin Martial Arts Team as the lead group to commemorate Dr.King’s birthday. 


We must also recognize and remember and thank the African leaders who gave their lives and blood to fight in the civil rights cause in the early years. If it had not been for their efforts, history might surely have been rewritten in the end. 


Over the past several decades, I have presided over Southern News Group, the International Trade Center, the International District and most recently, the newly established Global One Bank. We have such great respect for our African and Latino brothers and look forward to becoming partners. 


Today our community is still facing many challenges. Together we are united to continue the fight for our rights and justice