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社评0705 高院对大学申请之最新裁决

社评0705  高院对大学申请之最新裁决


就在上週四,美国最高法院推翻了大学招生种族和族裔偏好之程序, 并称其招生过程中难予捉摸,不透明和无法预测, 此一裁决在全国引起轩然大波。

包括哈佛大学在内都表示将遵守这一裁决, 但是对於非裔、拉丁裔学生而言, 要走进名校之路将更加困难, 对许多亚裔学生而言正好相反。

高院之裁决遭到拜登总统及民主党议员之反对, 声称是走的回头路 ,严重影响许多学生进入高校之路。


此案之裁决对华亚裔学生正好相反, 他们将更有机会进入名校, 因為他们的学业成绩是普遍较為良好。

教育是国家百年大计, 是振兴国力之基础, 而且国家领袖出自於名校, 因此青年学子都要挤进名校, 因而形成僧多粥少之局面。

為了国家未来之发展, 同时配合不同种裔之资源分配, 容纳各种学生也很重要。

华亚裔家庭非常重视子女教育, 学业成绩比其他少数族裔名列前茅, 今后进入名校机会将会增加。

Supreme Court's New Ruling On College Admissions 

The Supreme Court ruled and overturned racial and ethnic preference in college admissions calling this process elusive, opaque and unpredictable. This will make it difficult for colleges to try and comply with the law when admitting racially and ethnically diverse students. 

The ruling of the high court was opposed by President Biden and many democratic congressmen claiming that it will seriously affect many minority students when they apply to enter college. 

For a very long time, it has been accepted that many Black and Latino students get into universities because of their racial and ethnic background. 

The purpose is to give them an opportunity to become the leaders of society in the future. 

But the ruling for many Asian students is just the opposite. They now will have more opportunity to get into many famous colleges. 

Education is the country’s century-old plan and the foundation for revitalization of the national strength, and the leaders of the country mostly come from universities.

The Supreme Court's ruling will change our national education landscape.