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社评 0718 特斯拉股价首轮电动货车问世

社评 0718  特斯拉股价首轮电动货车问世


德州奥斯丁特斯拉公司週六正式宣佈第一辆电动货车正式问世, 也是打开特斯拉卡车製造史上之新的一页。

特斯拉在它位於奥斯丁超过一千万呎的电动车装配厰内已经开始能製造Y 型及电动卡车, 总裁马斯克是在二O一九年十一月提出製造电动卡车之构想。

新產之电动卡车可乘座六人, 外观共一百平方英尺, 从0到六十哩只要2.9 秒 ,可以载重一万四千磅, 至少可以行驶五百英里, 详细说明将於週三上午在特斯拉网站公佈。

我们欣见这款电动而又实用之电动卡车再度在德州首都奥斯丁上市, 这也标誌着新型卡车之出现。

德州地大宽广, 大半家庭都备有卡车代步 ,而特斯拉这款电卡车将会带来一番新风潮。

节省能源已经是世界之新趋势, 电动车正在全世界速迅发展, 而且价格更具水準竞争力, 放弃燃油已经是各国既定方向,特斯拉此时推出之卡车计划必然会非常成功。

 Tesla Has Built Its First Cybertruck 

In Austin, Texas, Tesla has issued the first photo of its electric truck made in Giga, Texas. This is the  home of Tesla’s headquarters where the company also has a 10 million-square-foot factory floor to produce the Model Y and Cyertruck. Tesla CEO Elon Musk introduced the cybertruck concept in November of 2019. This truck can seat six people and has 100 cubic feet of exterior, a lockable storage and can accelerate 0 to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds, can tow 14,000 pounds and drive up to 500 miles before needing a charge. 

We are very pleased to see this electric and practical truck launched in Austin, the capital of Texas. Our state is vast and most families need and drive trucks and the new electric truck will bring a new trend. 

Saving energy has also become a new trend in the world. Electric vehicles are developing rapidly in many countries and the price tag is also coming down. We believe Tesla’s new truck will be very successful.