社评 0731 文化传承 选美盛会

文化传承 选美盛会
由休斯敦同源会每年主办之华埠小姐选美大会, 今年依例週六晚间在休斯敦索那士达皇家大酒店盛大登塲。 七百多位嘉宾把会场挤得水洩不通, 大家兴高采烈把中华文化之风采再度在美国发扬广大, 為我们多元族裔之社区增添光彩。
这埸光纤艳丽之舞台, 站上了八位落落大方各懐才艺之表演 ,从钢琴 、舞蹈、 沙画 、歌唱及穿上传统旗袍之服装表演, 充满表现中华文化之气息, 言谈之间都以华裔為荣。
我们就是一个移民国家, 来自五湖四海天南地北, 这个国家之伟大在於对各种文化之包容 。老实说, 许多人还是冒着生命危险或用不同之方式要奔向这块土地, 我们也更见証了新的移民不断為美国创造就业机会及经济繁荣。
世界上没有绝对完美之事物, 我们也十分庆幸今晚参加了这场成功而精彩之文化盛宴, 令我们更感动的是, 这些土生土长的年青学子们, 每位都品学兼优, 能说中文 ,她们是在努力保守和传承自己之文化。
Cultural Inheritance Of The
Houston Miss Chinatown Pageant
The Miss Chinatown Beauty Pageant hosted by the Houston Chinese American Citizens Alliance was held last night at the Royal Sonesta Hotel. More than 700 guests squeezed into the venue.
The beautiful stage with the performances of the eight young talents included piano, dance, sand painting, singing and traditional Chinese dress. It was a totally splendid representation of Chinese heritage and they are all very proud to be Chinese-American.
Most of us are immigrants from all over the world. The greatness of this country lies in the tolerance of the many various cultures. Today, many people still risk their lives to come to this land of opportunity. Many
newcomers have created new jobs and economic prosperity for our country.
There is nothing absolutely perfect in this world. We are very lucky to be in this great nation. What moves us so much is that these young students all can speak Chinese and they all try to conserve and inherit their own culture.