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社评 0804 老友相聚於新银行

社评 0804 老友相聚於新银行


休斯敦大学商学院教授罗旦索和寿司大王权膝週三中午相聚在环球第一银行,参观了新银行之各项设备, 并由行长帕克先生共进午餐 。

我们和这两位认识已经数十年, 罗旦索教授是我在初创媒体事业时认识的至友。 他曾经出任赫斯特媒体集团下的《休斯敦纪事报》及《旧金山纪事报》之发行人, 曾為该报创下年收入五千万之记录 。在北京奥运会前我们曾经多次前往中国大陆访问, 在他担任发行人期间经常為我们解决一些大小疑难杂症, 包括派人紧急修復印报机 ,他从媒体事业退休后 一直担任教职至今 ,我们之间有如兄弟之情谊延持至今。

和我们同样相识数十年的日裔権膝先生 ,目前已经是拥有超过五百家寿司店的餐饮大王, 我们同创休斯敦国际贸易中心, 二十年来為超过万家的中小企业服务。 老实说, 他是我的大金主, 只要我开口, 他永远不会说不 。

岁月如梭, 我们在这块土地上有缘共建兄弟情, 尤其共建了这家金融机构-环球第一银行, 他们都是股东、创办人,  加上财经专家之加入, 相信我们的银行必能前钱途无量, 服务社区。

Old Friends Get Together At Our New Bank 

Gary Randazzo, a professor at the University of Houston, and 'Sushi King' Glen Gondo met together at Global One Bank at noon on Wednesday and enjoyed a Korean lunch with our bank president J.P. Park.

We have known each other for many decades. Both of them are my best friends. Professor Randazzo once served as the Publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle and later with the Houston Chronicle under the Hearst group. He once set the record of $500 million annual income for the newspaper. Before the Beijing Olympics, we went to visit China many times. During his tenure as a publisher, he often helped me solve many issues, including sending pressmen to repair my broken machine, and he was my #1 advisor in the media business.

After Gary retired from the Chronicle, he became a marketing professor  and taught at the University of Houston.

Glen Gondo, also a dear friend, became the 'King of Sushi' with his sushi business, now with more than 500 restaurants nationwide. All of us were co-founders of the Houston International Trade Center where over the last twenty years, ITC served over more than 10,000 businesses in this region.

Glen was also one of our investors in Global One Bank. We all were so excited that after four and one-half years, we finally got approval from banking regulators and today the new location is open for our community.

Time is just flying by. But our friendships are forever.