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社评 0809 国际社区参政之重大意义

社评 0809 国际社区参政之重大意义


由政治活动家艾里贝地及福边郡民主党主席金亚女士、拉丁裔政治联盟里拉主席等共同发起之市长候选人惠特迈政见发表会,  将於本週五正式开跑, 这将是休斯敦各种裔热烈参与市长选举活动之开始。

现任市长特纳经过八年任期之后, 即将在年底结束。 由於任期之限制,他已无法竞选连任, 必须在明年元月交捧。

休斯敦是全美第四大城, 市长权力大 ,市府预算龎大, 和我们之生活及发展息息相关, 基本上市长之施政和他的才能远见是密不可分的。

现任德州参议员的惠特迈先生早在去年就开始筹划竞选 ,曾多次走进华亚裔及国际社区。 探寻我们对市政改革之看法, 為人非常谦和, 并尽全力為我们改进治安工作為最主要之任务。

今天我们选择了这块土地為新的家园, 我们就是这裡的主人。 唯有大家共同努力关心社区 参与政治, 是我们的义务也是权利。

The Great Significance Of International Community Participation In Local Politics

On the upcoming Friday we are going to hold a Town Hall Meeting with Senator John Whitmire hosted by leadership representatives from all across Houston, including political activist Kunle Elegbede, Ft. Bend County Democratic Chairwoman Cynthia Ginyard and the President of the Greater Houston LULAC organization.

We are so glad and happy to host this community town hall meeting so that our candidate will be able to talk to the voters face-to-face. 

After the term limitation, Mayor Turner will be stepping down at the end of this year. Houston is the fourth largest city in the nation.The mayor has very great power and the city has a huge budget. It is very close to our daily life.

希望大家到时前来和候选人见面,表达大家之意见, 為我们共同之目标而努力。