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社评0817 休城居民半数无法购买住房

社评0817   休城居民半数无法购买住房


休斯敦房价稍降,仍然对许多人而言无力购买住房。 在2019 年疫情之前, 大约有百分之五十八的居民可以负担购房, 而今年就降至百分之四十。

根据休市房地產经纪协会之统计报告, 休市中等房价降了百分之二点五到平均三十四万元, 一年前是三十五万七千二百元。

由于保险水电费不断上涨 ,对於一个中等家庭而言需要增加二千四百元之额外开支。 其中最多重要之因素是利息不断上升 ,本週已经到了百分之七 , 购房者必须要有每年近十万之收入, 才可能买到中等价位之住房。

德州各大城市正有不断涌进之新居民, 房屋需求增加, 许多新来之居民都暂住在公寓, 因為他们都暂时无能力购买住房。

近年来, 虽然失业率保持非常低, 但是通货膨胀确无法压抑, 因而造成钱不值钱之窘境。

平民大眾热盼战争早日结束, 世界经济早日復甦, 通货膨胀得到控制, 全球生產力提高 才是老百姓之福气。

Half Of All Houstonians Can’t Afford To Buy A House

Housing prices in Houston have dropped slightly, but many people are still unable to buy a house. Before the pandemic, about 58% of residents could afford to buy a house, but this year it has dropped to 40%. 

According  to the realtors association, house prices in Houston dropped by 2.5% to an average $340,000. One year ago the average price was $357, 200. 

Due to the rising costs of insurance, water and electricity, an average family needs to pay $2400.00 more this year. In order to qualify for a loan, a family has to have a household income of more than $100,000 per year. 

The common people are looking for the end of the war in Ukraine and an early recovery of the world economy. Let's have peace and prosperity for all of us.