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社评 0821 反黑奴运动对民权之省思

社评 0821   反黑奴运动对民权之省思


週六上午由好友国会议员格林主办的一塲千人早餐会是為了纪念解放黑奴及争取民权之群眾大会, 我们是唯一的华亚裔人士参加大会, 更代表我们社区对黑奴及非裔社区在争取民権运动上长期之牺牲和奉献。

黑奴制度是美国歷史上最為恶劣及残酷之一页, 早在十七世纪, 在美国南部的殖民地地区便定期引进非洲黑人為奴隶, 他们被视為私人财產,没有任何自由和权利。 黑奴们被用於种植棉花, 开拓农地, 当时许多北方地区人士质疑这些制度是否符合美国之建国精神, 因而导致1861 年到1865 年的南北战争 ,当内战结束后1865 年通过的解放《黑奴宣言》公布之后,黑奴才得到自由。

虽然制度结束, 但是过去多少年来种族不公平仍然严重存在, 争取民権运动仍然继续奋进之中。

多年来美国之民权运动在非裔领袖之奋斗下, 取得了许多进展, 但是种族之矛盾还是令人非常担忧。 

今天华亚裔大批移民潮是近百年来的事, 我们应对非裔在争取和為民权运动所付出之心血表示由衷之感恩, 如果没有他们前仆后继之努力, 今天我们也无法享受宪法给予之权益。

由於整个社会之发展 ,我们必须和其他族裔共同站上同一阵线 ,这也是我们目前已经在筹组的「德州多族裔联合阵线」共同為我们之権益而努力。

Thoughts On Civil Rights In The Anti-Slavery Revolution 

Last Saturday morning almost one thousand guests attended the breakfast meeting hosted by our friend Congressman Al Green to commemorate the liberation of slaves and the struggles of the civil rights movement. 

We as Asian-Americans participated in the meeting and wanted give respect and a salute to the long-term sacrifices and dedication of the anti-slave movement and the fight for civil rights. 

Black slavery represents one of the worst and cruelest pages of American history. As early as the 17th century, African blacks were regularly introduced as slaves into the colonial areas of the southern United States. They were regarded as private property without any freedoms or rights. Slaves were used to pick cotton and exploit new farmland. After the end of the civil war, the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1865 and legally freed the black slaves. 

Although the system of slavery is in the past, racial injustice still exists and the movement of civil rights is still struggling. 

Today most Asian immigrants who come to this land should express our sincere gratitude to those people who continue to fight for the civil rights for all of us. 

We are here to organize the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition to unite all ethnic groups and continue the fight for our future.