社评0823 人民的怒吼和哀号

拜登总统暨夫人日前飞往夏威夷毛伊岛视察和探访,这是事发后十三天, 目前証实115 人遇难, 还有八百五十人失踪, 这是美国史上重大伤亡事件之一。
灾民们对於总统之到访表示已经太迟了, 白宫同时批准了向灾民每人发放七百美元, 这似乎也太吝嗇了, 有位灾民表示是对大家的侮辱, 并指责美国已经向乌克兰援助了2016 亿美元, 而对自己的子民却如此对待。
夏威夷毛伊𡷊这个人间度假天堂 ,被火吞噬為一个地狱。 据说主要原因是陈旧的电线桿因连环起火而迅速成為烽火连天,许多观光客活活被烧死, 有的跳下大海也被海水吞噬, 这真是人间惨剧。
老实说, 我们的基建实在太落后了 ,毛伊岛上之电线桿据说年纪已超过五十年以上, 而且被树枝掩盖之树林也未修剪 ,是造成火灾之重大原因。
𡷊上居民大多以观光服务业為生, 据说当火灾发生时, 警报系统也失灵了 ,这真是天大之失职及笑话, 有关主管应严加愆戒 。
悲剧终於发生了, 总统先生我们应该考虑亡羊补牢, 為生者给予帮助来重建家园。
The Roar And Mourning Of The People
President and Mrs. Biden recently flew to Maui, Hawaii, to inspect and visit the island. This is 13 days after the tragedy. It has been confirmed that 115 people have been killed and more than are 800 still missing.
The victims said that it was too late for the president’s visit. In the meantime, the White House announced the distribution of $700 to Lahaini residents, which seems too stingy. One resident said that this is an insult to us. The people accused the United States of providing $202 billion dollars to Ukraine, while short-changing the island's survivors. Maui Hawaii, a true American holiday paradise, was swallowed up into hell by fire. It was said that the main reason the fire started was that the old electric poles quickly became beacons of fire due to the series of larger invading fires. Many tourists were burned to death. Some jumped out to the sea and were then swallowed up by the sea.
To be honest, our infrastructure is too old. Most of the poles were over fifty years old. This is a big, and now tragic joke, and it is really a great negligence of duty by the local police department and the utility company.