AAPISTRONG 亚太裔餐厅资金补助 今年申请时间延至 9月 4 日截止

(华盛顿特区,2023 年 8 月 25 日 ) -- 全美亚太裔总商会 (National ACE) 今天宣佈成立 AAPISTRONG 餐厅基金的第三年,申请时间延至 9月 4 日截止,以支持独立的亚太裔 (AAPI) 拥有的餐厅。该计划由 Grubhub 赞助社区基金的资金补助。由於餐厅行业面临持续的经济挑战,亚太裔餐馆企业家能够通过这笔资金将改善基础设施、电子商务和技术、员工福利和运营精简等发展理念,将他们的业务提升到一个新的水準。这将帮助亚太裔企业家扩大业务规模,确保未来,并通过营造安全和愉快的聚会场所来回馈社区的生活。
过去几年中 “我们亚太裔的餐厅表现了他们的韧性,并且能共同努力展望未来”,全美亚太裔总商会总裁兼首席执行官董继玲感谢Grubhub对亚太裔餐厅的持续承诺,并提供支助的机会。Grubhub社区基金的资金补助,将為亚太裔餐厅的业主,提供扩展业务并达到新高峰的机会。
全国各地符合条件的亚太裔餐厅将能够申请 $15,000 美元的资金补助,最高可达$50,000 美元。颁奖典礼将於 2023 年 10 月 12 日至 13 日在拉斯维加斯举行的全国 ACE #AAPISTRONG 年会上现场颁发。
National ACE一直是Grubhub在AAPIStrong 餐厅拨款计划方面的合作伙伴,Grubhub 并与全美亚太裔总商会合作制定共同的业务和优先的政策事项。”Grubhub 高级副总裁Dave Tovar表示:多年来,该计划已支持全国500多家亚太裔餐厅维持和扩展其业务。亚太裔餐厅在他们的社区中发挥着至关重要的作用,Grubhub致力於帮助他们对他们所服务的人和社区產生积极正面的影响。
从 2023 年 8 月 14 日至 9月 4 日止,或当我们达到 2,000 名申请人时,以先到者為準,AAPISTRONG 餐厅基金将接受美国所有 AAPI 拥有的餐厅业主的拨款补助申请。
• 餐厅必须是亚裔美国人/太平洋岛民/夏威夷原住民多数拥有(至少 51%股份);
• 必须位於美国; 必须当前正在运行;
• 必须是营利性企业;
• 必须出示其主要许可活动為「準备和供应食品」的证明; 在一个地点运营;不能是特许经营权;必须证明有经济需要;
• 资金必须用於业务的增长和扩张;
• 必须展示社区影响力(即文化/社区、招聘、慈善/慈善工作等)
• 对於大奖决赛入围者,您必须能够参加 10 月 12 日至 13 日在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的年会。航班券和酒店住宿将通过国家ACE為三名大奖决赛选手提供。
AAPISTRONG 亚太裔餐厅基金补助 截止申请时间延至 9月 4 日 或我们达到 2,000 名申请人时结束,以先到者為準。赠款将在 2023 年秋季分发给餐厅。有兴趣的餐厅可以瞭解更多关於AAPISTRONG餐厅基金和完整的申请流程,网址為https://www.aapistrong.com/current-grants
关於全美亚太裔总商会 (National ACE)
全美亚太裔总商会 (National ACE) 的使命是坚定宣导亚太裔商业的利益,并在所有问题上產生积极的推动及发展,以增强和推进亚太裔企业主,企业家和企业领导者的目标和愿望。 全美亚太裔总商会在全国拥有120 多个附属商会和亚太裔组织合作伙伴,致力於通过改善经济发展和影响,推进联盟和加强社区建设,以及培养下一代亚太裔企业家和高管来支援 ,和促进影响亚太裔商业界的问题。 全美亚太裔总商会為全国亚太裔的商业利益提供了统一的声音。欲瞭解更多资讯,请访问: www.nationalace.org.
Grubhub是Just Eat Takeaway.com(LSE:JET,AMS:TKWY,NASDAQ:GRUB)的分部,这是一个全球领先的在线食品配送市场。Grubhub致力於将超过3200万食客与他们最喜欢的当地餐厅的食物联繫起来,通过创新的餐厅技术,易於使用的平臺和改进的交付体验来提升食品订购。Grubhub在美国4,000多个城市拥有超过365,000家餐厅合作伙伴。
Press Contact: Emily Fuder
National ACE Opens Applications for the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund in Partnership with Grubhub to Help with the Growth and Expansion of AAPI-owned Restaurants
Independent restaurants across the country can apply for a grant up to $50,000 through the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund made possible by the Grubhub Community Fund.
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 25, 2023 -- The National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (National ACE) today announced the third year of the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund to support independent, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)-owned restaurants, a program enabled by a grant from the Grubhub Community Fund. With the industry facing ongoing economic challenges, this funding will allow AAPI restaurateurs to take their business to the next level through development ideas such as infrastructure improvements, e-commerce and technology, employee benefits, and operations streamlining. Ultimately, this will help AAPI entrepreneurs to scale their businesses, secure their futures, and also give back to the life of their neighborhoods by fostering safe and enjoyable places to gather.
“Our AAPI-owned restaurants proved their resilience and now are looking to the future,” said Chiling Tong, President and CEO of National ACE. "Grubhub's ongoing commitment to AAPI-owned restaurants is demonstrated by the continuation of this amazing grant opportunity. The grant support from the Grubhub Community Fund will provide AAPI restaurant owners the opportunity to expand their businesses and reach new peaks.”
Eligible restaurants across the country will be able to apply for a $15,000 grant, with grand prizes up to $50,000 awarded live at the National ACE’s #AAPISTRONG Annual Conference in Las Vegas on October 12-13, 2023.
“National ACE has been an incredible partner to Grubhub on the AAPIStrong restaurant grant program and working with us on shared business and policy priorities,” said Dave Tovar, senior vice president of communications & government relations at Grubhub. “Over the years, this program has supported more than 270 AAPI-owned restaurants across the country to both sustain and expand their businesses. Restaurants play a vital role in their communities, and Grubhub is committed to helping them have a positive impact on the people and communities they serve.”
From August 14 to Sept. 4, 2023 or when we reach 2,000 applicants, whichever comes first, the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund will accept grant applications from all AAPI-owned restaurants throughout the United States.
To qualify for grant assistance, AAPI-owned restaurants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
• The restaurant must be Asian American/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian majority-owned (at least 51%);
• Must be based in the United States;
• Must be currently operational;
• Must be a for-profit business;
• Must show proof of their primary licensed activity as “the preparation and serving of food”;
• Operates in a single location;
• Cannot be a franchise;
• Must demonstrate financial need;
• Funds must be used towards growth and expansion of the business;
• Must demonstrate community impact (i.e. culture/community, hiring, charitable/philanthropic efforts, etc.)
• For grand prize finalists, you must be able to attend our Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV on October 12-13. Flight vouchers and hotel accommodations will be provided via National ACE for the three grand prize finalists.
Applications will open the morning of Monday, August 14, 2023 at 12am ET via www.AAPISTRONG.com.
The application period will close on Sept. 4, 2023 or when we reach 2,000 applicants, whichever comes first. Grants will be distributed to restaurants throughout Fall 2023. Interested restaurants can learn more about the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund and the full application process at https://www.aapistrong.com/current-grants
About National ACE
National ACE’s mission is to serve as a strong advocate of AAPI business interests and effect positive change on all issues that enhance and advance the goals and aspirations of AAPI business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders. With over 100 affiliate chambers of commerce and AAPI organization partners throughout the country, National ACE strives to support and promote issues that impact the AAPI business community by improving economic development and impact, advancing coalitions and enhancing community building, and fostering the next generation of AAPI entrepreneurs and executives. National ACE provides a unified voice for the business interests of AAPIs nationally. Learn more at: www.nationalace.org.
About Grubhub
Grubhub is part of Just Eat Takeaway.com (LSE: JET, AMS: TKWY, NASDAQ: GRUB), a leading global online food delivery marketplace. Dedicated to connecting more than 32 million diners with the food they love from their favorite local restaurants, Grubhub elevates food ordering through innovative restaurant technology, easy-to-use platforms and an improved delivery experience. Grubhub features more than 365,000 restaurant partners in over 4,000 U.S. cities.