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社评 0901蒋家对台湾外省人应有之歉疚

社评 0901蒋家对台湾外省人应有之歉疚


一九四九年初,蒋介石在大陆带领国民党败给了共產党,带领近二百万军公教人员逃往台湾 。同年十二月一日在台北宣佈建立临时中华民国政府, 蒋介石於一九七五年去世 ,但蒋家对台湾政治之影响一直延续至今。

蒋家第四代台北市长蒋万安目的前正在上海访问, 所到之処受到官员及市民之热烈接待 ,并且在各种埸合都表现非常出色并表达对海峡两岸追求和平之愿望。

国民党败退台湾是中国近代史上充满悲剧之重大事件, 老实说如果没有韩战爆发, 美国第七舰队协防台湾, 中华民国可能已成歷史之名词 。

七十多年来 ,近二百万军民及许多精英在极度艰困之环境下, 為台湾经济教育创建了完整之台湾奇蹟 ,尤其如陈水扁等台湾人才有机会从农夫变為国家领导人, 才有台积电等傲视全球之高科技出现。

今天台湾之情势已经开始有巨大之丕变, 一群政客正在為扫除中华传统文化及创造独立之路上前进, 当年和蒋介石逃到台湾之军民同胞多已消失在歷史之长流中。 

我们喜见蒋长后代蒋万安重踏他先辈之故土 ,在他所见所闻之人与事仍然存在着歷史之纽带, 成為蒋氏家族之后裔, 更应该回顾过往之歷史 ,如何重整华夏文化, 為那些二百万逃到台湾的外省找到一些公道 ,尤其是对海峡两岸之和平要做最大之努力。

( 图片来源: 路途社)

Chiang Family Should Feel Sorry For The Mainlanders In Taiwan

In early 1949, Chiang Kai-shek led the KMT’s two million member military and officers and went to Taiwan after being defeated by the communists. In the same year, he announced the establishment of a new government in Taipei. Chiang passed away in 1975, but the influence of his family on Taiwan politics has continued to this day. 

The mayor of Taipei, Chiang Wen An, a fourth generation member of the Chiang family, is currently visiting Shanghai. He was warmly welcomed by the local government and by all the people wherever he went and he performed very well in various places and expressed his strong desire to pursue peace on both sides of the strait. 

The KMT’s defeat in China is a major event full of historic tragedies. To be honest, if not because of the Korean War and the U.S.'s seventh fleet protecting Taiwan, Taiwan might have become a historical term.

For more than 70 years, nearly two million people and elites have created a 'Taiwan miracle' in an extremely challenging environment and have built a very outstanding education system so that the former president Chan Shui-Bain had the opportunity to change from being a farmer to becoming president of the country that has created many high-tech companies.

Today we need to look at the situation in the Taiwan Strait. We really  need to have peace and find some justice for those people who fled to Taiwan in 1949