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社评0902 吉米的温情友谊

社评0902 吉米的温情友谊



週五上午在一个耀眼阳光普照之炎热气候,我和五十多位由内人担任会长之中山女高校友会及周宏女士领导的休士顿亚裔耆英学社之华裔长辈, 乘做两部巴士浩浩荡荡驶往近百英里外的「新都比」牛仔镇,做了一次欢心快乐之旅。

当我们大家到达时,自封為市长的吉米早已在门口迎接。好久不见的这位牛仔医生和我拥抱,他说:“ 李副市长您好久没有来了,副市长一职是他封的, 也让我们结下不解之缘。”

早在十多年前,我在出任休斯敦国际节委员时和刚退休的吉米认识,他邀请我们到他拥有近百亩之庄园参观。由於自己对西部牛仔之醉心,於是自建了一个西部牛仔小镇,透过二十二楝建筑来保存一八九O年代之牛仔实体风貌。 其中包括监狱、酒吧、银行、马槽、妓院、邮局、收银机、留声机、家庭用具及教堂、坟墓等。



今晨我带来了一对漆有龙风之精美中式茶具及一个写上福字之红包,代表大家致赠给吉米。今午收到了他的短讯, 他说「我们有如此精彩而难忘的一天, 感谢上苍我们今天之相聚。」

告别时, 我们再次相拥抱,吉米是一位标準而又热爱生命的美国人, 他对我们之友好是真诚永恆的,我们今天在这块土地上生根, 也更是我们共同的家园。

Jimmy’s Warm Friendship

On a hot summer Friday, we took a group of Asian seniors to New Dubina to visit our old friend Jimmy’s cowboy ranch.

When we all first arrived, Jimmy who was the self-proclaimed mayor, had already greeted us at the front door. I gave the cowboy doctor I hadn’t seen for a long time a big hug. 

As early as more then ten years ago, when I was a board member of the Houston International Festival, I met Jimmy who had retired and had built his own western cowboy town in nearby New Dubina. In 22 small buildings he housed prison bars, a post office, household appliances, a church and tombs.

Over the years we have taken our friends to visit Jimmy, especially in late April when the bluebonnets were in bloom and all over the ground. We always sat in the rocking chairs in the backyard of Jimmy’s mansion watching the sparkling lake and glorious sunsets. 

Jimmy once had a very prominent experience. He used to be the senior dentist for President Bush. There were many photos and handwritten letters from President Bush on his desk. 

This morning I bought a pair of  exquisite Chinese tea cups with a dragon and the wind on them and included a red envelope with the word, "Happy" on the envelope to him. 

After we said "Goodbye," we hugged each other in the afternoon and I received a text massage that said,    “ Wow!! What a wonderful and memorable day. Such great fun with God’s Angels!"

"Jimmy,” I replied, “dear Jimmy, such a wonderful trip for my wife and friends. You really made our days. You are our Hero.”