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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0929 台北群英会

社评 0929 台北群英会


今天离开台北前夕在第一饭店和多位政大外交系同班好友餐叙, 有些几十年未见的同学相拥相抱, 回忆当年在校时之青春时光 ,有欢笑有苦澁 ,共同庆幸的是今天见面的同学们仍然身体康健, 声音宏亮。

多年来, 母校為国家培养了无数之人才, 在我们班上就有曾任国安会秘书长, 海基会高官 驻各国使节, 着作等身之作家, 殷商及社会各界领袖 ,如今虽早已退出江湖, 但对国事仍然十分关心。

今天之午宴 ,来了位贵客是参选总统之柯文哲市长, 他在席间听取了同学们之建言, 大家共同之议建是台湾必须要政党轮替, 柯市长谈话不多, 他似乎胸有成竹, 对未来已有定见。

另外一位来宾是一心想选总统的张亚中教授, 他对国民党领导阶层极為不满, 一介书生, 也似乎有志难伸。

这算是台北的一场小型群英会, 台湾之未来即将在明年初揭晓, 让我们拭目以待吧。


Class Reunion 

Today on the eve of leaving Taipei, I had lunch with a number of classmates, some of us who we have not seen each other for decades. We recalled our old school days and there was laughter and good talking. Fortunately, we are still alive and healthy. 

Over the years, our alma mater has trained countless talents for the country. In our class there are a former Secretary-General of National Security and many senior officials and diplomats. 

Today we had a surprise guest show up at lunch. He is the mayor of Taipei, Mr. Ku, who wanted to run for president. Many of us were told by him that we need to change the ruling party next year. 

Mayor Ku didn't say too much. It seems like he has already made up his mind on what he is going to do next year. 

The old party of Taiwan, the KMT, is fighting for survival. In the coming election, people believe if the KMT fails this time, the party may become history.