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社评1011 种族仇恨 人间地狱

社评1011 种族仇恨 人间地狱

种族仇恨 人间地狱

以色列為了报復上週六哈马斯之重大袭击, 正在展开彻底封锁,包括切断水电禁止粮食运送,将使加萨走廊两百多万之居民飢寒交廹,人类悲剧可能已经上演。

截至目前為止以色列已经有近千人死亡, 加萨走廊在军机之连番轰炸下 。已经有七百多人丧生, 其中许多是孩童。

各种武装分子仅有二万多名的哈马斯份子在上週六公然向以色列发动数十年来最猛烈之攻击, 造成重大伤亡, 而使一向以情报𩆜通国防埾强而称冠中东, 此次遭到重创真是脸上无光。

以色列自一九四八年建国以来 ,四週环绕敌国 。由於得到美国及世界各地犹太人之支持,在极艰困之环境中建设成為一个现代化国家 ,但是他们在心理上一直都处於动盪不安。

联合国正在召开紧急会议来面对目前之危机, 由于大家意见不同也难得到任何解决方案。

拜登总统今午在一项记者会中猛烈谴责哈马斯之侵害行為并表示以色列有自卫之充分权利, 十二美国公民遇害 ,十多位被哈马斯挟持目前情况不明。

世界局势因俄乌战争变得混乱, 如今加上中东战火更是火上加油 ,令人十分焦虑和不安。

 Racial Hatred Is Hell On Earth

In retaliation for last Saturday’s major attack by Hamas, Israel is carrying out a blockade of Gaza including cutting off water and power and abandoning all food delivery which will make more than two million residents living in the Gaza corridor hungry and cold. A larger human tragedy may already be happening. 

So far, nearly 1,000 people have been killed in Israel and more than 700 people have been killed in Gaza under the repeated bombing by Israeli forces. Many of the deaths have been children. 

Hamas, with only 20,000 militants, openly launched a most violent and tretcherous attack on Israel last Saturday. Since 1948 when Israel got its independence, it has always been surrounded by enemies, and yet, they have been able to build one of the most modern countries in the world. 

The United Nations has held an emergency meeting to try and stop the war, but it has been very difficult because all of the countries have very strong and different opinions. 

President Biden fiercely condemned Hamas’s aggression against Israel during a press conference and stated that Israel has a full right to its own self-defense. Twelve Americans have been killed and many are still being held by Hamas. 

The world situation has become chaotic due to the Russia-Ukrainian war. Now we have been coupled with the war in the Middle East which makes people everywhere very anxious and sad.