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社评1021 国际贸易中心将迎来21週年

社评1021  国际贸易中心将迎来21週年


今年十一月十七日休斯敦国际贸易中心将庆祝二十一岁生日 ,从诞生到成人, 是我们多年来艰苦喜悦交织之日子。 回首过往 ,我们充满了感恩和振奋 ,感谢多年来从学术 政商各界之鼎力相助, 超过一万五千个团体工商和我们同行, 见证了美南新闻集团对社会之回馈和感激。

从今年开始, 在中心之下,我们将推出三大支柱机构,其中包括成立外交领事顾问委员会, 并已得到日本、 韩国、印度 、安哥拉、 巴拿马 、德国、 几内亚等多国外交领事代表允诺成為委员, 同时成立徳州国际媒体恊会, 邀集各族裔由电视、 报纸、 电台、 社群媒体参加, 加强和主流社区之沟通, 其次成立环球工商精英会, 在环球第一银行之充分配合下继续努力繁荣全美和本地之经济。

今天我们带着十足之信心来迎接国际贸易中心之再革新和出发, 希望我们携手并进来為我们热爱的土地作出贡献。

ITC Will Celebrate Its Twenty-One Year Anniversary

On November 17, 2023, we are going to celebrate the twenty-one year anniversary of the International Trade Center. This is a milestone for our journey. The ITC has finally grown up into "young adulthood," and this occasion brings mixed feelings to all of us.

We must express our appreciation to those universities and government agencies, private industry and many businesses that have supported our vision over the years which is to always payback to our community.

Today we are planing to expand our outlet into three areas. First, we are going to set up a diplomatic consular advisory board and will invite the Consul Generals of many countries to serve on our Advisory Board. In the meantime, we are going to set up the Texas International Press Club and  invite many members of the international press to be a part of the organization. Finally, we are going to organize a Global Elite Business Club and work with local business people to assist with the development of our economy.

For all of these goals, we greatly appreciate all of your guidance and support