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社评 1028 张忠谋之忠告

社评 1028  张忠谋之忠告


上週台稹电创办人张忠谋在其母校麻省理工学院演讲时表示 :“如果没有国家安全,我们将失去一切。”

这番演说正充分说明目前我们所处之时代是如何恶劣, 让所有有识之士对於未来之时势充满忧虑和不安。

目前在中东及乌克兰之战事, 没有任何停火之跡象,  美国可谓双面受困, 况且国内政经𣎴稳, 况且联邦政府再度面临关闭之命运。

目前正在华府访问的中国外交部长王毅强调中美关係稳定重要性, 并安排促成十一月份亚太经合会之拜习会。


我们要非常认真的指出, 如果中美两大国之关係得不到改善, 将无法得到解决世界问题之解方, 更谈不上有安𡨴之日子了。

张忠谋之谈话正印証了目前世界面临之困境, 目前安定和平之环境还谈什麼发展前途。

Morris Chang’s Advice 

Morris Chang, the founder of 

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the computer chip company, said in a speech at his alma mater MIT, “If there is no national security, we will lose everything."

This speech fully illustrates how bad the current situation is that we live in, causing the all people to worry and become very uneasy about their future. 

At the present time there is no sign of a ceasefire either in the fighting in the Middle East or the Ukraine and we are trapped from both sides. Moreover, our economy and domestic politics are not stable.    The federal government now is even again facing another shutdown. 

Chinese minister Wang Yi is currently visiting in Washington, DC. He has stressed the importance of a stable relationship between China and the United States and is trying to make arrangements for a meeting between the president and Chinese representatives in San Francisco next month. California Governor Newson has also visited China and is now trying to find a solution to improve the relationship between the two countries. 

We need to very seriously point out that unless China and the United States can reach certain agreements, it will be very difficult to have world peace and prosperity.