社评 1120 我们為何而战

国际贸易中心庆祝大会后, 我们纷纷接到许多贺电及邮件。 包括华亚裔、 非裔、 西裔及主流人士都对这次活动表示高度讃扬, 有人甚至说这是我在休斯敦数十年来第一次看到如此盛会,参与者包括了各族裔及政商外交代表。
这些溢美之词,事实上不但是对我们之鼓励, 更是使我们感到无比之兴奋, 也代表了我们数十年在美国社会奋斗之成绩单。
无可讳言, 包括华亚裔在内之种族, 从川普时代疫情爆发以来, 我们在社会各阶层发生了非常大之变化, 社会上之歧视和学界之不公平, 但是我们从未有过之挑战。
此次年会中我们表扬了华亚裔及非裔在商业、 学术、 金融及太空教育专业人士对美国社会之贡献 ,在四百位政商外交人士面前说出了这些成功之故事。
我们今天是要為何而战, 我们是為我们自已及下一代的未来而战, 我们必须站出来,这块土地和国家是我们共同的主人。
今天我们有充分的底气和能力走进主流, 我们必须团结一心, 為自己的未来打拼。
Why Do We Fight?
After last week’s International Trade Center Gala, I received many congratulatory messages and several emails that expressed high praise for the event. Some people even said that this is the first time in Houston they have been to such an event where participants and guests included all ethnic groups and representatives of different political parties along with people from the business world as well as representatives of the many consulates in Houston.
In fact, these beautiful words not just encourage us, but also make us extremely excited and proud. This also represents a scorecard for our decades of struggle in this society.
This is no secret. Since the outbreak of the epidemic in the Trump era, we have undergone great changes in all walks of life. Social discrimination and academic injustices have been openly challenged.
At the Gala event we praised the contributions of Asian and African professionals in business, education and finance to our society.
What are we fighting for today? We are fighting for our own future and the next generation. We must stand up for our own rights.
We have both the confidence and the ability, and because of all of this positive approval, the fact is that we are here to be a part of this great land.