社评 1205 我们正在推动农暦新年全市之活动

整整二十七个年头, 美南新闻在德州休斯敦举办了二十七次之农暦新年庆祝会, 明年迎接龙年之到来, 将是我们连速第二十八届庆祝大会。
由於扩大结合各种族社区, 明年将移师到位於西园路之艾利夫职训中心大楼内举行, 室内有二十多万呎埸地,室外有数千个停车位,风雨无阻,不会受天气之影响 。
明年龙年庆祝大会, 主要由华亚裔社团及主流之工商团体共同主办, 其中分為美食及文化表演两大部份, 也将邀请非裔、 西裔及主流之团体共同表演,显示我们是一个族群之大熔炉。
我们正在向市政府及市议会提出请求, 明年农暦新年是休斯敦市一个主要之庆祝节日, 共同庆祝农历新年之来临。
社区之繁荣和进步, 首先是要族群之相互瞭解各种文化交流之活动, 是最好之桥樑。
数十年来, 我一直致力於走入主流之活动, 从国际区及国际贸易中心多年之各项文化、 商贸及学术交流, 也為社区贡献了薄力, 唯望大家共同努力, 创建更好的明天。
We Are Promoting The City’s “Lunar New Year Day"
For the last 27 years, Southern News Group has held the Lunar New Year celebration every year. Next year we will welcome the arrival of the year of the Dragon. It will be our 28th celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Due to the great expansion and the combination of various ethnic communities, we will be moving the event to the HCC Alief Career Center at their Westpark campus. This location has more than 200,000 square feet of indoor space and thousands of parking spaces.
The new location is also going to play a major role in our event decisions including ethnic foods and cultural performances that will show that Houston is truly a melting pot of diverse ethnic groups.
We are also going to ask the city mayor and city council to officially recognize the annual Lunar New Year celebration as a special day every year to be celebrated all over the city.
We believe that cultural exchange within our community is the best way forward for the prosperity and progress of all the citizens.
Today in the greater Houston area, the Asian population is over 7%. We are now carrying much more weight both culturally and socially than ever before. We hope the new year festival will be the one event where we will be able to continue to promote our cultural heritage.