社评1206 竞选市长之战白热化

( Photo by Reuters )
( Photo by Houston Chronicle )
休斯敦市长之争昨晚在德州南方大学举办了最后一场辩论会, 两位候选人在会上针锋相对 ,希望在最后关头得到市民之支持。 截至目前初选投票结果, 德州参议员惠特迈仍然领先资深国会议员希拉稹克逊李。
最近市政府正為水费问题大伤脑筋, 许多市民抱怨家中或公司水费暴涨, 其中包括我们报社也接到超过万元之水费账单, 经过向市议员之申诉, 至今尚未解决, 真是令人难予置信。
老实说,新任市长当前主要挑战除了公共安全及治安外, 市府行政效率必须亟待加强, 各级主管必须就市基建、 水管、 颁发建筑执照等大力改进, 这是市民最感到无法忍受之事项。
The Battle For Mayor Of The City Of Houston Is Heating Up
The last debate for the City of Houston mayoral candidates was held last night at Texas Southern University. The two candidates made a last-ditch effort and tried to gain the voters' support. Up until now in early voting, Senator Whitmire is still ahead of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
Recently, the city government has been concerned about the residents' water bills. Many citizens have complained about the price surge of their water bills, including our own company. We recently received a water bill of more than $10,000 dollars! Up to until now, we are still fighting with the city to solve this problem.
To be honest, in addition to public safety and security, the most pressing challenge for the new
mayor will be to strengthen the management level personnel of city government in order to serve our people better, including the areas of water pipes, infrastructure and building permits.
We will wait and see what will happen when the new leader takes the mayor's office on January 1st of next year.