社评1213 人生的拼图

从政近半世纪的德州参议员惠特迈, 经过三年之筹备后 ,终於登上休斯敦市长宝座, 在他的人生图腾上登上了最高峯。
这位市长早年也在非常贫困之环境中长大 ,但是他非常年轻时就已立下从政之念头, 二十岁时当选為德州眾议员, 一路就在政界打滚, 非常熟知政界之运作。
早在年前他就来到国际社区探访, 他对於治安表示高度之关切, 他说:“如果没有良好之治安环境 ,如何有繁荣之社区。”
今晨他在接受电视访问时, 首先提出治安社区安全第一之囗号,他将继续任用现任局长来整合大休斯敦之警力, 来实现他的诺言。
我们欣见新市长之上任, 多少市民对他寄望甚深, 我们决不可重演旧金山 、芝加哥大城之下沉现象。
休斯敦是个多族裔之大城市, 百分之七十以上是外来人口, 我们大家会和新市长共同努力 ,共建繁荣安定和谐之社会。
The Roadmap Of Life
After many years of preparation, Texas Senator Whitmire, who has been in politics for half a century,
finally ascended to the throne of Mayor of Houston and has reached the highest peak of his life.
The new mayor also grew up in a very poor environment in his early years, but he always dreamed of becoming a politician since he was very young. He was elected to the Texas House when he was only twenty-years-old.
Senator Whitmire first came to visit our international community one year ago. At that time, he expressed his great concern about our public safety issues in Houston. He said, "Without good security, we can’t have prosperity."
In a TV interview, the new mayor said his first priority is the public safety issue of the city.
We are very pleased to see that the new mayor will take office soon. Many voters have high hopes for him. We simply cannot repeat the 'sinking phenomenon' such as we see happening in so many other big cities in America.
Houston is a multi-ethnic city. 70% of the city's residents came from outside of the city. We will all work together under the new leadership to build a prosperous, stable and harmonious society. This is our goal.