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社评1222 庆祝农历新年嘉年华会

社评1222  庆祝农历新年嘉年华会



週三中午在美南传媒中心举行了国际社区庆祝农历新年嘉年华会首次大会, 出席者来自非裔 、拉丁裔、 华裔、 越裔、 菲裔、 日裔、 伊朗裔、 韩裔及主流社区之代表三十多位参加 。

我首先阐述农历新年活动是代表华亚裔最重要的传统节日, 过去二十六年来, 我们都在举办。这项表现华亚裔文化传统之活动, 為了扩大影响力及推动族群合作,  我们决定扩大庆祝, 并且把塲地迁移至艾利夫校区职训中心举行, 室内建筑近三十万呎, 停车场可停放数千辆汽车。

即将上任之新市长惠特迈将出任此次活动的名誉主席, 并将嘉华年会定位為全市之活动之一。

此次扩大之嘉华年会主要有三个现塲 , 其中包括表演舞台, 美食摊位及商业展示区 ,并将展示各国之特色。 

我们希望大家踊跃参与, 為发扬我们的华亚裔文化而共同努力。

Houston's International Community Launches A Lunar New Year Carnival Celebration In 2024

At noon on this past Wednesday the 

first meeting of the international community representatives to  discuss the Lunar New Year carnival celebration was held at the Southern News Media Center. More than thirty representatives from the African, Latino, Asian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese, Iranian, Korean and mainstream comunities attended. 

We decided to expand the celebration for next year and move the event to the Career Center of the Alief School District on Richmond. The indoor building is nearly 300,000 square feet in size, and the parking lot can hold several thousand cars. 

The celebration will consist of three sections including the performance stage, the food court and the commercial exhibition area which will display the characteristics of various cultures. 

We hope that everyone will join us and celebrate our Asia culture along with all other diverse cultures in our community.