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社评1223 岁末沈思

社评1223  岁末沈思


2023 年即将溜走, 时光易逝, 回忆过去三百多个日子充满了喜悦和挑战。

打开世界地图, 不但乌俄战事未息, 中东以色列加萨走廊战火死伤无数, 世界经济情况未能好转 ,中美关係至今未能解冻, 臺湾选举近在眉捷, 美国前总统川普公然侮辱移民毒害了我们的血液, 此语一出震撼社会, 是否挑动美国种族冲突之开始仍是变数。

我们应该这么说, 在一般人眼中, 所有黄种人都是亚裔族群, 你们千万不要认為那些偏激政客仇视之言论只是指华人, 他们企图撕裂亚裔种群。

拜登总统对纪念废除排华法案日前発表谈话, 高度讃扬华裔对国家之贡献, 我们也没有什麼值得高兴的, 因為这段歷史代表了早年华人先进及拓荒者之血泪史。

总之, 在此岁末年终时刻, 我还是希望弟兄姐妹华亚裔同胞应该团结合作,守望相助, 為我们及下一代争取民权和生存。

Meditations At The End Of The Year

2023 is about to slip away as time continues to fly by. Memories of the past 350 days are full of joy and also challenges. 

Open the world map and you will see that not only has the war between Ukraine and Russia not ceased, but there are countless casualties in the war in the Middle East and the Israel and Gaza corridor. The world economic situation has not improved. The Sino-U.S. relationship has so far not thawed. The Taiwan presidential election is nearing and former President Trump has blatantly insulted all immigrants as "poison" while these words have deeply shocked our community. 

President Biden in his speech     

on the commemoration of the abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act a few days ago highly praised the contributions of Chinese- Americans to the United States. Yet we are not completely happy because this painful past still represents the blood and tearful history of our pioneers. 

Today we as Asian Americans need to be united and continue to fight for our rights and freedoms.

This is the time we all need to join together in the upcoming new year.